Role to be filled


Year Round


Pull together all the important information that goes into the Nowhere Survival Guide, ensuring it is translated into five languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German) designed accordingly and distributed to the Nowhere community prior to the event.



  • Liaise with Leads and MetaLeads to review existing content and collate feedback or amendments within established deadlines
  • Ensure Leads and MetaLeads submit any new content within established deadlines
  • Clearly communicate deadlines to all Leads and MetaLeads and send reminders when necessary
  • Liaise with translations team to ensure that content is translated from English into Spanish, French, Italian, and German
  • Work closely with graphic designer to prepare layout and design of survival guide
  • Liaise with ticketing team to obtain the email list for ticket holders
  • Distribute final version of guide to Nowhere participants via ticket email list 
  • Confirm if hard copies are being distributed and coordinate printing and delivery to site
  • Participate in any planning meetings relevant to the role


  • Ensure hard copies of survival guide are available at No Info for reference
  • Participate in any on-site meetings relevant to your role
  • Carry out any site management shifts according to agreed rota


  • Ensure that all survival guide related documents are saved in the Nowhere Drive (final versions in all languages and design artwork)  
  • Provide feedback and highlight any areas that may need review or improvement
  • Participate in any All Lead meetings for debriefing as required
  • Create project plan for following Nowhere




  • N/A


  • N/A


  • End of March – Email leaders of all teams requesting review of previous year’s survival guide and any possible changes/edits/amendments for this year. Give them a deadline of two weeks.  Email


  • Beginning of April – Contact graphic designer to start working on the new design
  • Mid-April – Chase down Leads for feedback and any changes to the survival guide 
  • Edit and collate all feedback received into a new year survival guide draft – all changes should be tracked to facilitate the Translation team’s job
  • Send the amended/edited version of survival guide for proofreading – usually to a couple of leads who volunteered
  • Send the amended/edited version of survival guide to the board of directors for approval
  • End of April – chase down proofreading and board for feedback


  • Beginning of May – contact graphic designer and approve survival guide  
  • Send the final English version of the survival guide to the Translation Team – Deadline: two weeks
  • Send the final English version to the graphic designers
  • Mid May – chase down Translation Team to return the survival guide translated in all available languages
  • Send translated versions to graphic designers


  • Check for printer friendly version
  • Send final versions to the Web Team to be available online


  • Enjoy Nowhere!


  • Ensure all final documents are available on Nowhere Drive

Which department does this role belong to:

City Planning

Required Skills

  • Familiar with project management
  • Fluency in English – reading and writing
  • Excellent organisational skills
  • Ability to work under pressure and with timelines
  • Ability to work well with others, collaborate and coordinate multiple teams and individuals
  • Ability to proof read and edit copy

Bonus Skills

  • Editorial and design knowledge
  • Experience at attending Nowhere previously


  • Support and guidance from your MetaLead, co-Lead, and Team members
  • The warm glow of being part of the Malfare team and the wider NOrg family
  • The satisfaction of knowing you are playing a big part in making Nowhere participants’ experience safer and happier and contributing to the success of Nowhere
  • The opportunity to buy your ticket before the general sale next year
  • Swag (team patches and other exciting things) (details TBA…)