Role to be filled

Census | LEAD

Year Round


The Census Lead is responsible for everything related to the census, which helps Nowhere learn about participant population demographics, transport and travel choices, and their experiences at Nowhere. The census is sent to all ticket holders following the event each year and is then analyzed and results reported to the community. Census information informs planning and producing Nowhere by identifying areas that can be improved and any changes that can be made. The role may be occasionally called upon to create other surveys of the Nowhere community to inform decision making – for example allowing pets at Nowhere.



  • Assess census from previous year to identify any questions that should be removed
  • Solicit new questions from Leads and MetaLeads and assess for inclusion in current year census
  • Send final census questions to translation team to translate into French, Spanish, German, and Italian
  • Create or update census survey questions in survey monkey and 
  • Complete and test run of the survey in all languages
  • Ensure that final tested census is ready for distribution post Nowhere
  • Participate in any planning meetings relevant to your role


  • Participate in any on-site meetings relevant to your role
  • Carry out any site management shifts according to agreed rota


  • Ensure that the census is sent to ticketholders shortly after Nowhere
  • Ensure that a reminder is sent out to all ticketholders before census closes
  • Close census and collect data for analysis
  • Analyse data and make comparisons to previous years
  • Collate comments from participants sorted by topic
  • Produce analysis report and review with MetaLead
  • Publish report for Nowhere community to review
  • Provide feedback and highlight any areas that may need review or improvement
  • Participate in any all lead meetings for debriefing as required
  • Create project plan for following Nowhere


Pre-event: A few hours a week most of the year increasing as Nowhere gets closer

On-site: Agreed site management shifts

Post-event: A few hours a week for first couple of months following Nowhere as well as attending and participating in Annual Leads Meeting. 



  • Save previous census as new census in Survey Monkey
  • Send an e-mail to Leads and MetaLeads to ask for any desirable changes in the census and new questions including deadline for submissions


  • Send reminders to Leads and MetaLeads about question submissions and deadline
  • Remove any questions that will no longer be used
  • Update any questions that have been changed for that year


  • Send reminders to Leads and MetaLeads about question submissions and deadline
  • Close submissions at deadline
  • Send all new questions to translation team to translate into French, Spanish, German, and Italian
  • Add new questions to census


  • Test run census in all five languages


  • Check with MetaLeads and Project Manager that there are no questions to be added following that year’s event
  • Send final census to MetaLead for review
  • Liaise with ticketing team to get updated ticket holder list


  • Send census to all ticket holders with deadline clearly noted
  • Close census and begin data analysis


  • Prepare census analysis report
  • Send report to ticket holders and wider community

Which department does this role belong to:


Required Skills

  • Experience of data collection and analysis
  • Strong communication skills
  • Fluent in English
  • Statistics knowledge and experience

Bonus Skills

  • Proactive and independent
  • Fluent in another language (French, Spanish, German, Italian)


  • Support and guidance from your MetaLead, co-Lead, and Team members
  • The warm glow of being part of the Comms team and the wider NOrg family
  • The satisfaction of knowing you are playing a big part in improving Nowhere participants’ experience.
  • The opportunity to buy your ticket before the general sale next year
  • Swag (team patches and other exciting things) (details TBA…)