How is Nowhere structured?
Nowhere is run by a Spanish company, Going Nowhere S.L., a type of company common in Spain called a Limited Society (“sociedad limitada”) which produces Nowhere, Annual Leads Meeting and other related events from time to time. Its principal purpose is to act as the legal entity on behalf of the event to the default world – we need a legal structure to be able to sign contracts for all the suppliers, rent the land we hold the event on and buy insurance.
Although these types of companies can make a profit, any surplus the company makes goes straight back into our event. None of the Directors are remunerated for their work.
Day-to-day running of Nowhere is delegated to the Coordinators, MetaLeads and Leads. However, as the company holds the legal and financial liabilities for the event, the Directors are the final decision-making body on all issues affecting Nowhere. Directors have responsibility for strategic oversight over the event and company as well as management responsibilities for Coordinators and MetaLeads.
The first Nowhere company started in 2006.
Who is steering this ship?!
The current Directors are Paloma Zulueta, Erin Healy, Ancka Stefan and Jorge Roldán.
The Finance & Legal Coordinator role is responsible for securing the required event permits, completing all the administrative obligations and is the interface with the local authorities. This role is also responsible for purchasing materials required by all departments and monitors the day to day event finances. The Finance & Legal Coordinator is empowered to make decisions within agreed limits set by the Directors and is part of the MetaLeads committee.
The Site & Logistics Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that all external services required for running the event are ordered, delivered and received as necessary. This role also supports City Planning in preparing the layout of the site, supports the rest of the coordination team in their duties and is part of the MetaLeads committee.
The Production Manager maintains an overview of event production throughout the year and works closely with Coordinators, MetaLeads, and Directors to produce our annual fun in the sun extravaganza, keeping timelines within different departments. The Production Manager is empowered to make decisions within agreed financial limits as well as liaise with the local authorities and suppliers when needed. This role is also crucial to producing our annual All Leads Meeting (ALM).
The MetaLeads run the various departments of Nowhere. These will normally be a logical collection of a group of smaller projects. MetaLeads have executive authority for their department. A department may have either one or two MetaLeads, depending on individual strengths and the requirements of the specific role.
MetaLead tasks include managing budgets for their area, recruiting and managing leads and volunteers for the projects within their area, and ensuring that work schedules are in place, ensuring the health and safety of volunteers and participants, and working with other MetaLeads on cross-departmental projects.
MetaLeads are also part of the decision making as a team alongside Directors.
The Leads are responsible for coordinating a particular function before, during and after the event, such as safety, toilets, barrios, communications, gate, MoN, recycling, tickets, translations, art and performance.
The volunteers are also responsible for making nowhere happen, Everything at Nowhere is run by volunteers – this means YOU!
Who needs Directors?
Directors manage the big picture. They are responsible for strategic planning and have the final decision making power. They keep the event ethos in mind while empowering the leadership team (MetaLeads) through mentorship and guidance. Directors are also responsible for hiring contractors, company filings and the health and safety of all participants. Directors also complete some operational duties as required to meet deadlines, cover vacancies, and minimize disruption to event production.
Does this sound like something you might be good at? Good news! We need more directors! Please join us!
Show me the money.
We believe strongly in being financially transparent and giving our community members access to our books and records. So if you want to know more about how we spend money, have a look at the financial reports!
I want to speak with your manager!
You can use the emails below to get in contact with the various different departments that comprise NOrg.
volunteers@goingnowhere.org – to volunteer before, during or after Nowhere
recruitment@goingnowhere.org – to join NOrg as a Lead, MetaLead, or any other available position
directors@goingnowhere.org – to get a hold of any of the Nowhere Directors.
coordinators@goingnowhere.org – to get a hold of any of the Nowhere Coordinators.
barrios@goingnowhere.org – for any questions about or to register a theme camp
freecamp@goingnowhere.org – for any question about freecamping
bdsm@goingnowhere.org – for reaching out about general questions regarding the build & strike process
build@goingnowhere.org – for reaching out about general questions regarding build.
strike@goingnowhere.org – for reaching out about general questions regarding strike.
cityplanning@goingnowhere.org – to get in touch with our city planning department.
comms@goingnowhere.org – for any question about communication
tickets@goingnowhere.org – for information on tickets, prices etc
geeks@goingnowhere.org – for any technical problems with the website
media@goingnowhere.org – for press and PR-related questions
cantina@goingnowhere.org – for questions or information about the commissary kitchen at Nowhere designed to feed volunteers (La Cantina)
fluffers@goingnowhere.org – for information about the team dedicated to ensuring our volunteers are well cared for before, during and after their volunteer shifts
gate@goingnowhere.org – for questions about the operations surround Nowhere’s gate, greeters and perimeter
governance@goingnowhere.org – for questions about how NOrg is governed and operated
lnt@goingnowhere.org – to get in touch with our leave no trace crew.
malfare@goingnowhere.org – to volunteer with our medical/welfare team
inclusion@goingnowhere.org – for questions about how Nowhere views, values and bolsters inclusion
production@goingnowhere.org – for questions about how Nowhere production is planned and managed
bus@goingnowhere.org – for questions about how the Nowhere buses are organized and managed
ice@goingnowhere.org – in case you want to talk about how Nowhere manages their ice on site operations
site@goingnowhere.org – questions about site logistics and operations
sound@goingnowhere.org – questions about sound
lights@goingnowhere.org – questions about lights
power@goingnowhere.org – questions about power
Climb aboard this crazy ride with us
Nowhere is a totally safe space to do, and to be, anything you want to! The more you get involved, the more fun you’ll have and the more you get to experience the things that will totally blow you away. Nowhere is a do-ocracy – we do hard and fun things together to reap the rewards together as a community. Come be a part of the magic that helps make Nowhere an annual reality!