Data Wizard, 2024-04-21


Too long; didn’t read

The discussion about ticket prices is a very hard one each and every year. Within the principle of no commerce, the desire for maximum inclusion contrasts the necessity of revenues to cover all expenses. Every year, a budget is projected based on the expected number of participants, taking into account the varying financial circumstances of all the Nobodies.

In 2023, about 20% fewer Nobodies got themselves a ticket than initially projected (sad smiley), with 2,969 tickets sold. Additionally, initially unplanned incentives for Nobodies doing build and strike were released, as otherwise Nowhere probably couldn’t have happened that year. A total income of 566,132 Euro was generated, contrasting total costs of 656,231 Euro. The resulting financial gap of -90,099 Euro was covered using contingency funds from 2019 and 2022 (no one went Nowhere in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19).


Ticket Types 2023

(Basically) covering the production cost per person (with VIP tickets giving a solidarity amount):

VIP - Voluntary Inflated Price: 500 €

Since 2019, we have introduced high-income tickets, which are essentially the opposite of low-income tickets. The purpose of these tickets is to support the expansion of the low-income ticket offerings, arts funding, and other essential event infrastructure. Did you get anything in return? No. However, it might have brought you the warm fuzzies inside, knowing that you were helping Nowhere through another year.

Standard: 280 €

Designed to cover the production cost per person.

Not covering the production cost per person (thus receiving a solidarity amount):

Middle Tier: 170 €

If you did not qualify for the Low Income Ticket but still found the standard price unaffordable, the Middle Tier Tickets introduced in 2023 were designed with you in mind. These were intended for those who, based on their self-assessment, wouldn’t have been able to attend Nowhere otherwise.

Low Income: 105 €

We ask that everyone contributes according to their financial capacity. However, if someone lacked sufficient financial resources, they were encouraged to apply for a Low Income Ticket.

Kiddos (<14) 2,50 €

Low ticket prices for children in order to make it possible for parents to participate.

Big Kiddos (14-17): 85 €

Low ticket prices for children in order to make it possible for parents to participate.

Locals: 195 €

For residents of the Monegros region.

Complimentary and Carer: 0 €

Carer: For those who live with hearing impairment, physical disability or other conditions that require additional consideration, we offered concessionary tickets for their companions. A companion is any person who, by attending the event, enables another person to participate.
Complimentary: A 2023 only treat, this special ticket served as compensation for (a) those wonderful souls who embraced the entirety of strike in 2022 and (b) those who, unfortunately, tested positive for Covid-19 at Nowhere 2022 and consequently spent their time in the Maison de la Peste (isolation area) during the event.


Standard Ticket

280 €

Production Cost Per Person

Build & Strike:5.61 €
Communication: 1.78 €
Creativity: 28.19 €
Health & Safety: 29.37 €
Legal & Finance: 33.50 €
Site, Infrastructure & Logistics: 47.65 €
Staff: 53.54 €
Volunteer Expenses: 21.36 €

Ticket Related Cost

Ticket Tax: 46.34 €
Ticket Fee: 13.00 €

* The total production cost for every Nobody was 221 €. From the Standard Ticket purchase price of 280 €, 59.34 € went to ticket tax and ticket fees. Thus, the Standard Ticket covered 220.66 € of production cost, leaving a gap of -0.34 € per Standard Ticket.

VIP Ticket

500 €

Production Cost Per Person

Build & Strike:5.61 €
Communication: 1.78 €
Creativity: 28.19 €
Health & Safety: 29.37 €
Legal & Finance: 33.50 €
Site, Infrastructure & Logistics: 47.65 €
Staff: 53.54 €
Volunteer Expenses: 21.36 €

Ticket Related Cost

Solidarity Given: 171.56 €
Ticket Tax: 82.44 €
Ticket Fee: 25.00 €


This is how we summarized the various categories. Find out about all the costs under PRODUCTION COST.

Cost Category Division Subdivision
Screwdriver Wrench
Build & Strike Departmental Build & Strike
Communication Departmental Communication
  Recruitment & Relationships
Creativity Departmental Creativity
Health & Safety Non-Departmental Health & Safety
  Departmental Participant Wellness
File Lines
Legal & Finance Non-Departmental Legal & Finance
  Departmental FineAnts
Site, Infrastructure & Logistics Non-Departmental Energy
  Site, Infrastructure & Logistics
  Departmental City Planning
  Gate, Greeters & Perimeter
  Leave No Trace
  Site, Infrastructure & Logistics
Staff Non-Departmental Staff
Hand Fist
Volunteer Expenses Non-Departmental Volunteer Expenses
  Departmental All Leads Meeting
  La Cantina
Solidarity Given Given towards tickets with lower prices
Ticket Tax 21% of net ticket price
Cart Shopping
Ticket Fee For ticket processing

Financial Solidarity

The production cost per person amounted to 221 €. Not all tickets covered the cost after ticket taxes and fees.

On the left side, you see your ticket price and its contribution to the production cost. Meanwhile, on the right, discover the portion of the production cost covered for you by those who purchased VIP tickets.

Received share of production cost
Paid share of production cost
Solidarity given
Ticket Fee
Ticket Tax

What You Paid For The Ticket
What You Received Through Financial Solidarity

* The total production cost for every Nobody was 221 €. From the Standard Ticket purchase price of 280 €, 59.34 € went to ticket tax and ticket fees. Thus, the Standard Ticket covered 220.66 € of production cost, leaving a gap of -0.34 € per Standard Ticket. Due to rounding, this is not shown here.

More On The Ticket Price

You’re still wondering about the ticket price, especially given that Nowhere doesn’t offer the typical amenities found at for-profit events? This is attributed to the principle of no commerce.

In contrast to for-profit-events, Nowhere doesn’t make money by

  • Selling sponsorships
  • Selling advertisements on the website or social media channels
  • Selling concession fees to vendors and traders
  • Selling food and drinks
  • Selling merchandise
  • Selling access to a VIP area (we’re sorry, dear VIP-ticket buyers!)
  • Selling access to WiFi
  • Selling your data

This is why the primary source of income - the ticket sales - needs to cover the entire production cost.


Total Net Income

566,132 €

From Tickets


Standard (280€)
Middle Tier (170€)
Low Income (105€)


Per Ticket (€)
Total (€)
Tickets Sold Gross Income Fee Tax (21%) Net Income Gross Income Fee Tax (21%) Net Income
TICKETS TOTAL 2,969 706,685 34,040 116,740 555,905
VIP - Voluntary Inflated Price 27 500 25 82 393 13,500 675 2,226 10,599
Standard 2,030 280 13 46 221 568,400 26,390 94,068 447,942
Middle Tier 531 170 10 28 132 90,270 5,310 14,745 70,215
Low Income 317 105 5 17 83 33,285 1,585 5,502 26,198
Kiddos < 14 10 2.50 1.50 0.17 0.83 25 15 2 8
Big Kiddos 14-17 5 85 5 14 66 425 25 69 331
Locals 4 195 10 32 153 780 40 128 612
Complimentary and Carer 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




Tax Type Gross Income Tax Cost Net Income
OTHER TOTAL 46,899 4,733 31,939 10,227
Art Donations

151 humans donated towards art projects. The entirety of the cost associated with art donations comprises processing fees. The net art donations (after fees and tax) were added directly to the creativity budget.

21% 3,152 501 266 2,385

Going Nowhere by bus (excluding strike bus, which is under PRODUCTION COST/Departmental/Details (Incentives)).

10% 21,709 1,974 11,727 8,008
Electrician Barrios

An electrician checks the grounding of barrios’ large shipping containers to meet permit requirements, ensuring safety.

21% 0 0 2,325 -2,325

Ice sales pre and during event.

10% 7,534 685 4,550 2,299
Ubertown Services

We rent Ubertown cabins and a generator/fuel for the red zone barrios’ power grid, normally receiving a refund some time after the event.

21% 0 0 10,524 -10,524

Water delivery and refilling of water cubes. There is no actual income from water. The cost of water is accounted for under PRODUCTION COST/Non-Departmental/Details (Site, Infrastructure & Logistics: Water) and is 10,500€.

10% 11,422 1,038 0 10,384
Yellow Grid Fuel + Fences

Generator and fuel for the barrios on the yellow zone.

21% 3,082 535 2,547 0


Total Production Cost

656,231 €



462,990 €

Nrg: Energy
H&S: Health & Safety
L&F: Legal & Finance
SIL: Site, Infrastructure & Logistics
Stf-c: Staff (current)*
Stf-f: Staff (former & other)*
Tx: Ticketing
VE: Volunteer Expenses

* Staff costs category reflects the total cost to the company, including gross pay (which is the earned salary before taxes and deductions) as well as the mandatory social contributions, which add over 30% to the gross salary.

Expenditure vs. Budget

Difference of Expenditure vs Actual Budget
(+89,049 €)

Nrg: Energy
H&S: Health & Safety
L&F: Legal & Finance
SIL: Site, Infrastructure & Logistics
Stf-c: Staff (current)
Stf-f: Staff (former & other)
Tx: Ticketing
VE: Volunteer Expenses


Per Person Total Projected (3,650 Tx planned) Actual (2,971 Tx sold) Spent total vs actual budget
Total 155.94 462,990 427,600 373,941 +89,049
Energy Total 5.38 15,970 15,500 12,608 +3,362
Generators 2.19 6,501 4,000 3,254 +3,247
Electrician Norg 1.56 4,624 1,100 895 +3,730
Generators Fuel 1.12 3,325 8,000 6,507 -3,183
Fuel 0.51 1,520 2,000 1,627 -107
Gas Storage 0.00 0 400 325 -325
Health & Safety Total 27.46 81,534 98,200 79,878 +1,656
Red Cross 18.96 56,298 68,000 55,313 +985
Security 6.70 19,891 22,000 17,895 +1,996
Safe House 1.49 4,426 5,000 4,067 +359
Fire Equipment 0.31 919 2,000 1,627 -708
Mosquito Extermination 0.00 0 1,000 813 -813
Red Cross Training 0.00 0 200 163 -163
Legal & Finance Total 24.06 71,425 69,000 56,126 +15,298
Permit 16.87 50,100 45,000 36,604 +13,496
Lawyer 2.53 7,502 4,000 3,254 +4,248
Insurances 2.14 6,343 7,000 5,694 +649
Accountants 1.99 5,895 10,000 8,134 -2,239
Meetings 0.30 899 500 407 +492
Trips To Site 0.21 618 1,000 813 -195
Bank Fees 0.02 68 1,500 1,220 -1,152
Site, Infrastructure & Logistics Total 36.93 109,636 101,900 82,888 +26,748
Toilets 14.65 43,493 37,500 30,503 +12,990
LNT Trash Collection 4.92 14,618 13,600 11,063 +3,556
Vehicle Rental 4.47 13,267 12,000 9,761 +3,506
Water 3.54 10,500 9,000 7,321 +3,179
Cabins 2.88 8,550 5,000 4,067 +4,483
Norg Containers Transport And Storage 2.64 7,838 6,500 5,287 +2,550
Site Prep 2.41 7,161 15,000 12,201 -5,040
Storage 0.78 2,306 2,500 2,034 +272
Fences 0.36 1,078 0 0 +1,078
Phones 0.28 825 800 651 +175
Staff (current) Total 35.66 105,870 110,000 110,000 -4,130
Staff (current) 35.66 105,870
Staff (former & other) Total 17.89 53,104 30,000 30,000 +23,104
Staff (former) 17.04 50,604
Staff (other) 0.84 2,500
Ticketing Total 7.55 22,414 1,000 813 +21,601
Stripe Quicket 7.31 21,704 0 0 +21,704
Wrist Bands 0.24 710 1,000 813 -103
Volunteer Expenses Total 1.02 3,036 2,000 1,627 +1,410
Meals Off Site 1.02 3,036 1,000 813 +2,223
Appreciation Volunteers 0.00 0 1,000 813 -813



193,241 €

ALM: All Leads Meeting
B&S: Build & Strike
CP: City Planning
Com: Communication
Cre8: Creativity
Fin: FineAnts
GG&P: Gate, Greeters & Perimeter
Inc: Incentives
Ctn: La Cantina
LNT: Leave No Trace
PW: Participant Wellness
R&R: Recruitment & Relationships
SIL: Site, Infrastructure & Logistics

Expenditure vs. Budget

Difference of Expenditure vs Actual Budget
(+29,906 €)

ALM: All Leads Meeting
B&S: Build & Strike
CP: City Planning
Com: Communication
Cre8: Creativity
Fin: FineAnts
GG&P: Gate, Greeters & Perimeter
Inc: Incentives
Ctn: La Cantina
LNT: Leave No Trace
PW: Participant Wellness
R&R: Recruitment & Relationships
SIL: Site, Infrastructure & Logistics


Per Person Total Projected (3,650 Tx planned) Actual (2,971 Tx sold) Spent total vs actual budget
Total 65.09 193,241 200,800 163,336 +29,906
All Leads Meeting Total 2.04 6,061 8,000 6,507 -447
ALM 2.04 6,061 8,000 6,507 -447
Build & Strike Total 5.61 16,671 35,000 28,470 -11,799
Projects 5.61 16,671 35,000 28,470 -11,799
Toolhaus 0.00 0 0 0 0
City Planning Total 0.71 2,120 2,800 2,278 -157
City Planning 0.71 2,120 2,800 2,278 -157
Communication Total 1.56 4,630 4,000 3,254 +1,376
Comms 1.56 4,630 4,000 3,254 +1,376
Creativity Total 28.19 83,689 82,000 66,701 +16,988
Creativity 28.19 83,689 82,000 66,701 +16,988
FineAnts Total 1.90 5,633 6,750 5,491 +142
Geeks 1.20 3,555 5,000 4,067 -512
Miscellanious/Missing 0.57 1,700 0 0 +1,700
Ice Ice Baby 0.08 250 250 203 +47
Offiice 0.04 127 0 0 +127
Rainmakers 0.00 0 1,500 1,220 -1,220
Gate, Greeters & Perimeter Total 0.04 120 1,500 1,220 -1,100
Gate 0.04 120 1,500 1,220 -1,100
Greeters 0.00 0 0 0 0
Perimeter 0.00 0 0 0 0
Incentives Total 7.45 22,127 0 0 +22,127
Volunteer Incentives 7.45 22,127 0 0 +22,127
La Cantina Total 10.85 32,218 34,000 27,656 +4,562
Cantina 10.85 32,218 34,000 27,656 +4,562
Beers 0.00 0 0 0 0
Fluffers 0.00 0 0 0 0
Leave No Trace Total 0.38 1,128 1,000 813 +315
LNT 0.38 1,128 1,000 813 +315
Participant Wellness Total 1.91 5,681 7,800 6,345 -664
Welfare 1.08 3,209 3,800 3,091 +118
Malfare 0.76 2,256 3,400 2,766 -510
Consent 0.07 216 600 488 -273
Recruitment & Relationships Total 0.22 667 2,100 1,708 -1,041
NoInfo 0.22 667 2,100 1,708 -1,041
Site, Infrastructure & Logistics Total 4.21 12,497 15,850 12,893 -396
Production Office 1.50 4,450 3,700 3,010 +1,440
Power 1.12 3,325 3,700 3,010 +315
Sanitation 0.91 2,713 4,700 3,823 -1,111
Radio 0.48 1,418 3,000 2,440 -1,022
Site Ops 0.20 592 750 610 -18


The Gap

      -90,099 €

As mentioned in the TL;DR, the gap was covered using contingency funds from earlier Nowheres. Going Nowhere S.L. is a not-for-profit organisation with a singular mission: To make Nowhere possible, year after year. Presently, we have only about 1/6th of the savings recommended for an event of Nowhere’s dimension. That is why we aim to turn the gap the other way around again - to bolster the financial stability and secure Nowhere’s future (happy smiley).

Feedback and P.S.

Was there anything unclear or did you miss some vital information? Do you have any suggestions on how we can further enhance financial transparency? Please let us know! Your feedback will be instrumental as we craft upcoming reports. <3

P.S.: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data provided, errors may still exist.

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