Email us at and we’ll do our best to answer it!
General | Art | Barrios | Build | Bus | Children | Crowdfunding | Filming & Photography | Health & Safety | Kitchen | LNT | Power | Sound
Nowhere is often described as a festival or as an arts event, but it can be many things. Based on the principles of radical self-expression, radical self-reliance, no commerce, participation and leave no trace, it’s what the participants (sometimes called No-oners or Nobodies) make of it.
No. Nowhere is an official Burning Man regional event and is based on very similar principles, but there are plenty of differences. Nowhere is far smaller, with around 4000 participants (though growing every year) compared with 70,000 at Burning Man. Located in Spain, the majority of participants (although by no means all) are based in Europe, creating a more diverse cultural atmosphere. That said, there is a lot of community crossover between the two events, and both are often referred to as ‘home’ by their participants.
Nowhere is in a beautiful location in the Spanish desert, between Zaragoza and Barcelona. From site, it’s 12km down gravel roads to the nearest village and 19km to the nearest station, but we send detailed directions out in the survival guide. You can use the getting there section and the facebook group to arrange transport and ride shares.
Leave no trace means just that – leaving no trace that you were ever there. Far from what you might be used to at some festivals, every last beer can and sequin must be disposed of after the event. You are PERSONALLY responsible for every single thing you take to site – all your rubbish must be taken away with you.
Leave no trace doesn’t just mean picking up the odd bit of rubbish though. Once the event finishes, we have to take down all the structures, pack up all the building materials etc, store it all, and then clear the site of any stray MOOP (matter out of place). There’s a lot of work to be done after the party’s over, so please let us know if you can stay an extra day to help.
You need to bring everything you’ll need to survive in the harsh Spanish desert. It tends to be very hot during the day (around 37°C/99°F) and pretty cold at night (10°C/55°F), and we’ve have some impressive storms and flooding before – and you need to be prepared for it all! Please see self-reliance.
You MUST bring enough food and water for the duration of the event. Please see self-reliance.
To manage Food and water at a barrio scale, please read the following sections: BARRIO FAQ and KITCHEN FAQ.
Most people join together in theme camps (known as barrios).
You’re welcome to join an existing camp, set up a new barrio or simply camp on your own – but don’t forget that you need to bring everything you need, including food, water and shade. This can be easier when the workload is spread over a barrio community, but this is no reason not to go it alone!
Check out the barrios page to see which camps are after members.
You are responsible for your own health, safety and well-being at all times during the event. We have a volunteer welfare team (called Malfare) who can help you with medical and safety issues and there are professional paramedics on site at all times, but your well-being is your responsibility.
Anyone with specific health or accessibility concerns should email prior to the event.
Money money money
Nowhere is a no-commerce event. This means that nothing will be sold during the event (ice is the only exception, and that’s for obvious health reasons!), and you aren’t allowed to sell things when you’re there. We encourage you to explore the principles of a commerce-free system, and to gift away to your heart’s content. See self-reliance and no commerce.
Your ticket allows you entry to the event and the cost goes towards paying for toilets, the central structure, Malfare, storage, site hire, and a plethora of other expenses vital to making Nowhere happen. It does not provide you with food, water or camping equipment. Barrios charge fees, which are separate to the ticket price (what the barrio fee covers depends on the barrio, but it may include food, alcohol and the costs of running a really awesome sound system). We allocate 10% of the ticket income into art grants. You can see how the money is spent in our accounts.
We’ll provide you…? No. One of Nowhere’s central principles is participation. Everyone who comes is expected to contribute in some way. Sitting at the sidelines watching and expecting people to entertain you is not in the spirit of Nowhere.
At Nowhere, we’re all volunteers, and we always need more help! Two thirds of Nowhere participants volunteer in some capacity during, before or after the event. Skills are less important than a can-do attitude and the willingness to work hard. You could come early and help set up, or stay late and help clear up. There’s also the valuable task of ‘fluffing’ – walking round with water, sunscreen and snacks to look after people working in the sun. See during event volunteering possibilities or join NOrg. You can see the roles we’re recruiting for now here or email to offer more general help.
Damn right! Nowhere is, among other things, an arts event, and we encourage participants to create and contribute art. See the art page for more information.
Contribute in any way you can. You could cook for your camp, give manicures, massages, presents or performances, and anything else that takes your fancy! Everyone has a valuable contribution to make – here are some more ideas.
Join the Nowhere mailing list and ask if people want to collaborate with you. You can also find out about projects, post your ideas and connect with other participants on facebook.
Can I bring...
The track to the site is not paved so please email us at for advice.
Children are welcome, and people do bring their children. However, Nowhere is NOT a child-orientated event and you should read the Children at Nowhere FAQ before ordering tickets.
Please don’t! It is not a nice environment for dogs, cats, weasels, rabbits, or fish. The site is very loud, the weather is extremely hot, and nobody walking barefoot will enjoy finding their mess. For the safety of the animals and our participants do not bring your pets.
If by pet you mean your submissive companion that you dress as a pony or your live-in furry or the like then this is considered permissible at Nowhere.
Note: Human pets will still be required to have their own ticket.
Other questions
Join the Nowhere mailing list and ask on facebook groups if anyone else is going from your area, as you may be able to rent a truck together, or have your stuff shipped.
Find a way to contact humans here!
Yes, you can, but please read the Filming and Photography FAQ first.
Yes, but we’d prefer you to turn it off – or stick to its primary purpose as a licking device!
The nearest village to the site has a few small shops and a bank. Larger supermarkets and DIY stores can be found in Zaragoza. More details are in the survival guide sent out before the festival.
One of the principles behind Nowhere is self-expression, so if part of your self-expression is nudity, people will accept that – and at the very least tolerate it!
There are some people who are not as comfortable with nudity, and it’s important to be sensitive to that (during meal times, for example – and all kitchens require you to be clothed when cooking) but one of the many things we love about Nowhere is how we all accept each other, exactly as we are.
Project registration
Any artist who is applying for an art grant must register their art piece. The registration form is the main grant application form. Anyone bringing an art car must also register in order for your vehicle to receive a permit to drive around the Nowhere site.
Yes, do it. Like all artists, you’ll still need to buy your own ticket, and you definitely have to abide by our Leave No Trace guidelines, and a number of other rules. We’d also really encourage you to register it with our art team (see below for why).
We love spontaneous art and self expression, so please feel free to just show up and do something amazing!
Registering will give you many advantages:
- If you have an installation or have a particular location planned for your workshop/performance, your art will be placed on the official map.
- If you offer a performance or workshop at a certain time, you will be included in the main performance programme.
- If your project needs power, we can hook up registered projects to our electrical grid.
- If you need tools, registered projects also get access to Kunsthaus, Nowhere’s tool repository for artists (handy if you’ve forgotten your screwdriver, but don’t fancy an 80km trek to get one).
- After the event, your work will be immortalised in our Art Archive, so that everyone can be inspired by your art.
Will the art grant ...
In the past, the art grant has funded multiple projects of a single person. Overall, this is fine as long as the person/group submitting for more than one project can give the Art Team credible evidence that they have time/energy/manpower/resources to do all they are setting out to do. Additionally, the projects have to be distinct from one another – so no splitting a single project in two halves so as to get twice the amount of a grant!
No. Every person entering Nowhere needs to buy a ticket, regardless if they are part of a group setting up an art project, or not. So if your team is 10 people, you will need 10 tickets. Tickets are Nowhere’s only way to finance the event – and offer art grants – so everyone has to buy a ticket.
Maybe. It’s decided on a case-by-case basis.
Leave No Trace
I’m aware the Leave No Trace (LNT) guidelines are really important. What specifically should I bear in mind when thinking about LNT and my art project?
We have tried to summarize the main points below. The below guidelines apply to ALL art pieces at Nowhere, and not just projects we offer grants for. If you apply for a grant, we will require you fill a short LNT document as part of your application, so that we can appreciate ahead how much thinking you have put into this.
What kind of packaging will you need to bring your art project safely to Nowhere? Will it need to be disposed of afterwards or reused, and can the amount of packaging be reduced? How will you store this packing until you leave the event? Polystyrene foam packing balls, for example, would best be avoided! If you’re in need of advice, email our Leave No Trace team ( who can help you brainstorm an idea.
Waste water can’t be thrown directly onto the ground of the festival site, so if your project uses water, please get in touch with the Leave No Trace team. If your waste water contains chemicals (paint, varnish) then you most likely should evaporate this on a black tarp, then dispose of the tarp post-event.
If your project needs power, we can hook up registered projects to our electrical grid.
Have a look on the Power FAQ, otherwise email (and copy so that both teams know about your specific needs.
No. There are very strict fire restrictions in Spain during the summer. At Nowhere, we are forced to operate a total ban on solid fuels and on anything that may generate sparks that could fly away and set the vegetation in the area on fire.
While there is a total ban on solid fuel, gas and petrol flames are allowed. You will need to produce a risk assessment.
If you are thinking about art with liquid or gas flames then please talk to fire leads ( and to Health & Safety ( for help with safety and support completing the risk assessment.
We can try. The site that Nowhere takes place on is sloped in many places, but there are some places that are almost flat. Make sure you mention this requirement in your project description. Although nothing is completely level, our placement team can place you on the best suited place for your art project. We advise you to liaise with the Placement team (, and if it really needs to be flat we can ask the digger to help out.
Maybe. Our policy is that art is for art’s sake and a gift to the community, and so if it’s too close to, or forms part of, your personal camping area then it wouldn’t be eligible as art (and would be dealt with as a barrio.)
For all other locations, our Placement team will try to respect your preferred location, although that may not be possible, particularly if it needs a power supply. The more power your art project needs, the closer it needs to be to a generator. Additionally, if your art project produces noise or anything else that can bother barrios or campers then Placement will keep some distance between your art project and the barrio/camping zone.
This is important! Your project (and you) should be able to deal with heat, strong winds (for several days on end, sometimes), rain and dust. We have experienced strong and violent climatic events in the past years so there is a likelihood that your art work will get damaged and/or destroyed.
We require that you plan ahead accordingly, in terms of strength and stability of the structure. You also need to think of a plan B and of the generated costs, in case you cannot bring your project back home or store it, but need to dispose of it. If you do want to make a plan B, given the scale or nature of your art work, you can detail the estimated costs of removal by a local waste company inside a section of your application form, when submitting it. The Leave No Trace team can help you evaluate the risks and the associated costs. You can contact them at
The Nowhere event does not have the ability to finance the removal of big amounts or large dimension pieces of art waste should your work get destroyed. It remains your own responsibility.
For useful information on how to build sturdy and safe structures at the Nowhere event, we strongly advise that you also read the Nowhere Build Guide.
Maybe if you’re lucky, but don’t count on it. You should come expecting to be totally self-reliant. The Art Team can offer planning assistance with your project, and to help you liaise with other teams. On site we also offer a work shade and some tools to borrow, but we won’t help you to actually build your project. You might want to consider posting ahead on Facebook groups, or talking to friends who are going to put together a team of volunteers for construction. This is also a great way to interact with other participants and to get to know each other!
Yes. The Art Team has a list of the tools available for artists, so email us at, and we will give you more details. Our tools are in a limited number though, so the more you can bring yourself, the better. In case you need bigger equipment like a power auger, etc. we suggest you ask your neighbors/ barrios and other artists and you share the equipment together.
Please note that Toolhaus, which also lends out tools, is only for official Nowhere infrastructure projects. Kunsthaus is the space and tool shed available for artists and barrios.
Strike (a.k.a cleaning up afterwards!)
No. Unfortunately, you cannot leave your project with Nowhere as a donation. Everything you bring in must be taken out with you. We do not organise disposals or waste removals for projects. You need to plan to take your art home as a whole, or broken down into smaller pieces. If you leave any trace of your project behind, it leaves Nowhere with high disposal bills and fines from the local Spanish authorities, eventually leading to an increase in ticket prices. Please help us to prevent this from happening!
This is up to you to figure out. Plan how your art can be kept, driven back home and maybe even reused for another project. Some barrios and participants pay for storage space in a nearby city, so if you want to keep parts from one year to the next near the Nowhere site, write to the Art team for more information.
We have a strong Leave No Trace policy, and you cannot leave your art project anywhere on site, or dump it anywhere nearby. There are allocated sites for the disposal of personal waste, but they are not big enough that they can accomodate parts of bigger structures.
The funds
Congratulations! The first thing you need to know is that we only refund your costs in the form of the grant after the event.
Artists have to send to all their scanned receipts, and their banking details (IBAN, name and address of the artist and of their bank, and the artist’s passport number). We check and approve the receipts, then our accountant transfers the money.
This process usually takes around 3-4 weeks after the receipts have been approved and sent to the accountant. You have until mid-October at the latest (the sooner the better) to send the receipts.
Early entry
The general rule is the Friday before the event, when our Gate actually opens. You will need an EE (early entry) code from us, which we will give to you and your team. If you have a huge structure and you need more time and/or extra EE codes, let us know as soon as possible so we can figure details and coordinate with the Gate team.
Your art is your responsibility as a creator during the build and during the event. Please keep in mind that your work will be subjected to difficult climatic conditions, and that since interactivity and self-expression are essential elements of Nowhere, participants will likely play with your work, maybe in more ways than you can imagine (climb, jump, write on it etc.). Be informed and be prepared!
If you have not (yet) read our Terms and Conditions, here is an excerpt on that particular point:
DISCLAIMER: THE PARTICIPANT VOLUNTARILY ASSUMES THE RISK OF PROPERTY LOSS, SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH BY ATTENDING THIS EVENT, AND ASSUMES AS WELL FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR THEIR PARTICIPATION.Art installations, theme camps (Barrios), vehicles, events and performances are not owned or operated by Nowhere (Europe) Ltd and/or Nowhere España (‘NOrg’) and therefore the Participant also assumes any and all risk of injury or loss associated with or arising from their operation or occurrence and release NOrg from any claim arising from this risk. The Participant agrees to hold NOrg, its officers, directors, members, employees, volunteers, representatives, agents, contractors and subcontractors, and other participants, harmless from any damages, injuries, losses, liabilities and expenses relating to, resulting from or arising out of the participation in any programme, event, activity or service at the Event. The Participant also agrees that the present terms and conditions shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under all applicable law.
You will need to pay extra attention to moving/removable parts, to sharp edges, to any surface higher than 1.5m, to making your installation visible at night even if it is closed/inactive and to electrical safety (protection of the cables, from lightning etc.). If you’re using a generator, you’ll need to have a fire extinguisher nearby which complies with the equipment used and with regulations. (Please check the Power FAQ on such matters and get in touch with the Power Team:
It’s good to co-operate on...
Water is the number one necessity at Nowhere. Without it, you cannot survive. Unfortunately, water is also very bulky, especially enough water for a week. You should bring 6–8 litres per person per day, and even more (about another 10 litres per day) if you want to do all those little things that make life comfortable, such as showers, washing dishes, using plant misters for cooling yourself and your friends etc.
Food is important. After you’ve spent a week eating three meals a day of barely identifiable goo out of cans with potato chips, you will fully appreciate how much happier nice food can make you. Your barrio can either supply a kitchen that people can cook in or you can cook collectively.
A kitchen is not strictly necessary for survival, but a nice kitchen with shade, a kitchen counter, a good stove, pots and pans, and a good dish-washing area will make food preparation much more fun.
Some experienced Nobodies have shared their experience and knowledge with helpful tips – if you’re setting up your own kitchen, then make sure to check out their tips in the How To Run a Kitchen FAQ just below!
The Spanish sun is harsh. During the hottest hour or two of the day, most people are not capable of doing anything more than dozing in the shade.
Shade is only really comfortable if the shade is open to the wind, or it will just be too warm to even be there. In other words: you cannot be in your tent during the day.
Since everyone needs shade, and bigger shade structures are very nice places to meet people, you’ll want to add a shade structure to your barrio as well. This will be the place where you pass the afternoon, and where you’ll meet new friends who are camped elsewhere.
Shade cloth is cheap, commonly available in Spain, and a great material to cover your structures with. Be warned though: it doesn’t block all UV, so you can still get a nasty sunburn under it.
Large structures need to be secured properly, as strong gusts capable of lifting structures are not uncommon. All designs are strongly advised to include safety provisions. For more on this, please check out the build guide !
After a few sweaty days in the desert, people can get pretty smelly. One way of dealing with this is making sure that you’re the smelliest one of them all, so you won’t be bothered by other people’s smell. Unfortunately, only one person can be the smelliest…
So, the sensible alternative is a shower!
One way of having showers is to bring an industrial-size plant mister, and wash yourself with that. Solar showers are another way, but they do use more water.
A lot of people like to have a bit of privacy while they’re having a shower, so you will probably want to build some sort of shower cubicle.
If you’re going to be using electrical equipment, such as lamps, a sound system, massage chairs etc, you will need electricity.
The Nowhere organisation (NoRG) will not provide power for you, you will have to make your own.
The nasty but easy way of doing this is to bring a generator. If you can manage to bring them, solar panels or a wind generator would be much nicer. Leave No Trace is the only thing preventing us from have nuclear power on site.
Nowhere is not a mainstream festival with a big main stage, but we do have places for people and groups to perform (check out Performance page for more details).
Your barrio could be one of those places, and you could even organize your own performances or music. Many camps bring their own sounds systems and provide a variety of entertainment. Check out the Sound FAQ!
Workshops are a fantastic way to interact with other Nowhere participants. Is there a workshop that your camp could host? Perhaps you could provide a space where others could host their workshops?
If nothing else, throwing a party and having a well-stocked bar is a very simple way to give something to the community. As Nowhere is a no-commerce event, any booze served must be given as a gift.
Now that you have all your basic survival needs organised, and decided on your contribution to the event, you’ll need to bring everything to Nowhere. Some of the things, like food, water and some of the construction materials, you might be able to buy locally, but mostly you will need to bring things with you.
Many barrios hire a van or truck and share the cost, and if you have enough space, you can even charge other people for transporting their things too.
After the event, you need to clean up: Nowhere is a leave no trace event, so we expect you to leave no trace! While cleaning up the mess for an entire camp by yourself is no fun, doing it with a bunch of people can be a party in itself. It makes life much easier if you clean up as you go, but make sure you have volunteers to stay behind to clean up as well. Check out the ‘Cleanup’ section below for more details.
It is amazing how much waste a group of people living in the desert for a week can produce. And all of that waste will have to go with you when you leave.
So how do you be environmentally conscious and reduce the amount of nasty, smelly rubbish you have to bring back with you at the same time? The secret is: recycling. Small amounts of recycling can be deposited at recycling stations in the nearest towns, Castejon and Sariñena, with larger amounts brought to recycling centres in Zaragoza and Barcelona.
If you're running a barrio this year you must know:
As we did last year, our tickets team will provide each barrio lead with an online Early Entry allocation tool to provide Early Entry for their barrio build crew.
Your Early Entry date will be linked to the same ticket code that gets you into the festival. Just enter the emails/code/ticket barcode for each member of your build crew using our online Early Entry allocation tool. Please, when you receive the Nowhere Ticket Team email with the instructions, complete your Early Entry allocation as soon as possible!
We will provide each barrio with Early Entries for 25% of your barrio members. You can come onsite from the 3rd July 2019. If you need to come earlier because you are building a huge project, let us know, but don’t come without an Early Entry before the afternoon of Monday 9th July 2019!
If you have a Barrio of 30 ppl you need a minimum of 1 water cube of 1000L capacity.
Between 30 to 60 ppl, 2 water cubes, and so on. We have water delivery onsite! It costs 50€ to fill up a 1000L water cube.
Luis brings a truck with drinkable water every day. You will need to have a voucher placed on the front of your water cube, that you can get at No Info or from Barrios coordinator during build time .
This year you don’t need to ask for a permission to park onsite. But you can’t use the the car parked inside until the end of the event (Sunday) or if you are leaving and not coming back.
Please remember that vehicles in the barrio or free camping can not move at all during the event, not even for groceries or river runs.
There is one onsite car pass per camp. This car must be driven:
- 10km per hour
- during the day only
- use the perimeter road only, no driving across site/playa
Questions to Placement:
- All deliveries drivers onsite will need to be accompanied by one Barrio member.
- No deliveries will be left at Gate.
- Each delivery driver will need to receive orientation about how to get onsite and a phone number before their first delivery.
Check the Latest Nowhere Map!
Barrios will be marked on the ground by flags. Check in with Barrios coordinator before you start to build your camp!
Flags with two names are borders between barrios. Please check both sides of a flag.
5m from the barrier tape needs to be left clear. These are roads where large trucks will be passing. If you place your tents there they will be removed without warning, or maybe crushed by a truck.
Questions to:
- Toolhaus is not lending any tools to barrios.
- Kunsthaus has tools for artists.
- There is a Ferreteria in Sariñena in Av. Huesca.
Structures over 2.5m must be cleared by Build Lead, and inspections may occur to validate the safety of the structure.
Domes and all metal structures must be grounded. All structures should be prepared for storms and heavy winds. Ask Build Lead for help on storm-proofing.
Question to or
Light natural pathways through your barrio so people know where to walk (and where not to walk).
Need advice on building techniques? Go to the build guide.
If you are using a generator, please ensure generator and all other danger spots cannot be accidentally accessed by participants, e.g. build appropriate barriers.
If you are bringing a generator it must be placed at least 20 meters away from any vegetation.
Fuel must be stored at least 15 meters from the generator.
Fuel should be stored in an airtight container and kept in a shaded, well ventilated area, away from anything flammable.
Generators need to be placed in your designated barrio space, ideally near an ABC or Carbon Dioxide fire extinguisher.
Generators are required to have a grounded earth spike attached to them.
If the generator outputs 415V, even if you’re not using it, the ground spike will need to be inspected by the electrician who signs off on our permit checks, so failure to inform us in advance may result in Nowhere being cancelled. Seriously.
Generators are not permitted in quiet sound areas (blue zone, see Sound section).
Questions to
LNT Barrio Lead – Basic duties 2019
The Person responsible for LNT needs to:
1. Make sure the camp rubbish is sorted correctly : (plastic – glass-paperorganic-non organic). We strongly suggest the use of transparent bags as to avoid accidents while sorting rubbish. You might also use open containers such as crates for bottles or cans, as well as light colour bags.
2. Make sure that the camp is swept for MOOP (matter out of place) at least once a day.
3. Supervise Site Cleans (Sunday (built time) – Wednesday and Friday (event time)). By law we have to ensure all rubbish is taken to the the collection point on these dates.
4. Make sure grey water is being disposed of correctly: Dish washing water, cooking water, showers, art residues.
a. Cooking water and dish-washing water needs to be run through a sieve before being discarded to avoid food residues that might attract bugs.
b. For health reasons every barrio should have a hand-washing station: this water should be treated as grey water and disposed of accordingly.
c. Showers: if possible should be built over evaporation tarps or be built on platforms so as to position a water collection container under them. This water should be discarded accordingly either on evaporation ponds or as Norg organization might dispose. Avoid water pooling in one area for long periods of time.
d. If a barrio is using paint for decoration it needs to ensure a minimal use of colour washing water: some suggestions ( rap brushes in clear film or store in tupperware containers until the end of use to avoid them drying and therefore being able to reuse them for the same colour) Ensure you have enough brushes so as to have one for each colour avoiding constant washing.
5. Make sure there is nothing left after strike and the barrio area has been DE-MOOPED correctly so you can pass your Barrio Check Out (Contact LNT/Barrios team before leaving site).
The LNT lead and Barrio lead need to work together to create a LNT volunteer rota to keep their barrio area clean.
You need to have a Shit Ninja and a Compost Hero; both roles report to the LNT lead.
● Shit ninjas: keep their assigned toilet clean and with toilet paper (provided by Norg) in addition reports any roblems in case of overflow, etc.
● Compost heroes : Make sure organic kitchen residues are being disposed of correctly (see what can be composted poster) and checks that there is no plastic or cutlery mixed in. Also ensures organic pesticide is being added to it to avoid insect proliferation. (provided by Norg).
There would be LNT training sessions Moday after fire drill and Tuesday morning, to review rules and assess needs.
The traffic light system for kid friendly camps has worked very well the past couple of years and we have been asked to do it again.
We would be very grateful if you let us know the information requested below either here or via email:
1. If your camp is child friendly or not, child friendly is self defined and you can stipulate that you would prefer no unaccompanied minors. Providing this information does not guarantee anything other than us informing parents. We will not police children entering camps that define themselves as adult only, but we will advise parents of your preference. If you want something more firm a sign at your barrio that indicates adult only or clearly identifies adult only areas can be useful
2. If you think you may be adult only sometimes but not others, can you let us know those parameters? For example – kids are okay during day but not at night or it is kid friendly but parents should be mindful that adult activities occur.
3. Do you have some areas of your barrio that are adult only and others that are not? If you want us to advise parents of this, please respond and let us know specifics
4. If you have kids camping with you please let us know! We are curious and want to meet all the kids at Nowhere but also other kids might want to hang out with the kids at your camp.
5. If you have any kid friendly workshops or activities at your barrios that you want us to publicise at Ohana house. If you do not yet know this stuff and want to let us know on site please stop by Ohana House and update us. We will collate the information and post it at Ohana House and can share with parents and families.
More infos about Inclusion.
This guide is shared as a guideline to Not Fucking Up.
The building techniques described below are tried and tested. They are the best combination of simplicity, sturdiness and desert-proofing we have found so far.
Do remember that ultimately, you and only you will be responsible for how your structure is built. Triple-check everything. “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing”
There is no commerce at Nowhere, so you will not be able to buy any building supplies or any tools there.
Plan ahead and bring everything you need.
As a clarification and an example, Toolhaüs, that stores Norg’s tools, will not be lending tools to camps or projects. They keep disappearing, and we don’t want an angry Tool Mistress.
Nowhere cannot, and will not, dispose of anything for you during or after the event.
You need to plan the time and means necessary for taking down your structures, cleaning up your build site, and disposing of, or storing, your building materials.
Before you take out a mortgage to buy a couple of tons of timber, consider integrating recycled or re-used materials into your project for non-essential and non-structural elements, like decorations, carpets, lights etc.
Unlike other Burn events, a strict No Fire rule applies at Nowhere, due to local regulations and the nature of the Monegros environment. You WILL NOT be able to dispose of your structure by burning it before you head for the airport (plan an exit strategy).
Likewise, you will not be able to integrate giant flame-throwers in your structure, as you would at Burning Man in Black Rock City. (You should consider lasers, though. Lasers are cool).
According to the ten commandments of Burning Man and the rule of Radical Self Reliance, covering your power needs is up to you. Plan for a generator or solar panels if you need them. Renting a generator is a common solution at Nowhere.
If traveling from the US or the UK, keep in mind that Spain uses 220 Volts / 50 Hertz current. And the rental generators often deliver 400 Volts three-phase current, and require splitters. Bring any adapters or splitters you might need.
Note: Generators provide high-voltage power than can be deadly if not used properly. They also generate a lot of smoke and noise. Please get clear operating instructions and show consideration for your neighbors when placing your generator.
Please ensure your electrical system is properly grounded. If you don’t know what grounding is, ask someone who knows, because it could save your life.
Understanding the Monegros desert environment
Nowhere takes place in a beautiful region of Spain called Monegros. To ensure a happy and memorable Nowhere experience, you must consider the following aspects:
Nowhere takes place in the desert, at least 40 km from the nearest hardware store. Plan what you need, including tools, straps, rope, timber, screws, shade cloth, well in advance, and have a way of transporting your equipment. Nowhere cannot transport this to site for you. Renting a truck is a common solution used by Nowhere participants building a camp or project.
The region where Nowhere takes place has some of the hottest temperatures on the European continent, with days of over 40°c frequently recorded during past events. You will be exposed to the sun from 06:30 in the morning to about 20:00 at night.
Your first priority must be to prepare enough shade to protect yourself during build time. A good solution is to have a shaded-off area for cutting wood or tinkering.
Also, learn from the locals: take a siesta break between 11 am and 4 pm, as the heat will be too extreme to work safely.
The valley where Nowhere takes place is a natural wind tunnel and your structures must be capable of handling strong gusts of wind and occasional -big- thunderstorms. We will cover how to protect shade structures from wind later in this guide.
Please also keep this in mind when planning the height of your structures, as well as your safety during building time. In the end, you will be responsible if your structure fails.
Because of the sudden amount of rain that can happen during thunderstorms, plan to have any electrical appliances off the floor (on pallets for example) and to have tarped-off areas. Sound systems don’t like being buried in a foot of mud. Believe me, we’ve tried it, and it wasn’t good.
Digging ditches around your structures help redirect water easily. Be considerate and don’t redirect it in someone’s tent.
The Nowhere site will be accessible to camps and artists only a few days before and after the event, so take that into consideration when planning your project. Don’t be that guy who spends the whole event working on his build site only to take it down on the last day. Plan ahead and enjoy the party!
Safety Tip: plan for shelter during building time
Building your project can take several days, during which you will need shade. Make a small shaded area your first step of building your project. This is a matter of your health and safety, as heat stroke happens fast in this climate.
Be good to yourself and stop working at least between 13.00 and 15.00.
Desert-proof building techniques, tried and approved!
Nowhere takes place in a beautiful region of Spain called Monegros. To ensure a happy and memorable Nowhere experience, you must consider the following aspects:
Geodesic domes are a staple of any event or festival. they are very sturdy structures that can be raised and taken down in a few hours and can fit in the back of a pickup truck.
There are many, many guides to making and raising geodesic domes available online, and they have proven to be a good solution for many a Nowhere barrio.
We would however like to point out the following:
- Geodomes made of metal tubes (like scaffolding aluminum parts) are great, but the total structure can weigh a lot – several hundred kilos- and require work in a workshop with access to special equipment prior to being brought to site.
They can flip over in case of high wind. Covering a geodome with shade cloth or a parachute silk is a popular choice and provides nice shade. But geodomes don’t have foundations dug into the ground, therefore making them top-heavy and prone to flipping over in case of high winds. If you are planning on staking them down with rebar, plan big fucking rebar, and lots of it. Your other option is to anchor it down with ground anchors (see below).
The same genius architect who invented the geodesic dome invented another building principle that has worked wonders for us at Nowhere, even seeing huge structures withstand storm-speed winds unscathed.
This principle is called tensegrity. Whole books have been written about it, but let us break it down for you: tensegrity is the principle that holds up circus tents.
Long story short, by using lines and anchoring your structure to the ground (with ropes, cables, straps, etc.), you create tension in the structure that makes it very strong.
The reason we love it, is that you can make much bigger structures (and more shade) with less building materials. And done correctly, it is very, very solid.
Ground anchors are the best solution for anchoring down your structures at Nowhere. They are cheap, easy to make, and we have seen them hold through extreme weather.
A ground anchor is an object your bury to make an anchor point for a line.
Like the stakes you pound in the ground to hold up a tent. But much stronger, and safer.
We recommend wooden ground anchors. You can even use left-over cuttings from your wood shop.
Making a ground anchor:
- cut a piece of wood into a right-angle triangular shape, about 20cm to a side
- Drill a hole in it wide enough to pass your rope through
- Select a solid piece of rope or strap, about a meter long. Pass the end of your anchor rope or strap through the drilled hole and tie a decent knot (the quality of the knot is essential to your safety. Keep in mind this is going to hold several hundred kilos). We recommend rewoven figure-eights with two stopper knots.
- at 90° from your pole or corner, dig a hole about 50cm [1 1/2 foot] deep, big enough for your anchor to fit at the bottom
- Place anchor at the bottom of the hole, vertically.
- Leave the excess line out of the hole for tying.
- Fill in hole and stamp it down. Consider using a heavy object to stamp down the earth very thoroughly. We recommend putting water on the loose earth and re-stamping, repeating until the earth is hard. This is a crucial step and should not be over-looked. An ideal tool for this is a stamping rod, but a sledge-hammer works too.
- Tie the line from your structure to the anchor’s line.
- To achieve desired tension, use a ratchet or a trucker’s hitch to pick up any slack until all lines are tight.
Let’s take the Circus Tent example again.
If you raise a single post, it is not solid: bump into it and it will fall.
Now, tie four straps at the top and anchor them at each corner, forming a cross.
Your single post cannot fall in any given direction.
So with just one center post of the right height, you can already build a solid, reliable shelter.
To be fair, even three anchors in an isocele triangle would work too. But four is safer, and gives you more covered space inside the structure.
When raising a single post, ensure it is anchored in four directions.
When raising a four-post box, ensure it has two ground anchors at every corner.
Imagine your are setting up your tent, but the anchor lines are too long, and hang limply: this allows your tent to flap around, which will damage it. To keep your tent in place, they must be the right length, no more, no less.
This is the same principle, but on a much larger scale.
Once your lines are anchored, make sure they are taut and tight. This is what will keep your structure solid. Loose lines will lead to a shaky and unsafe structure. Furthermore, wind will make your anchor lines vibrate, which can loosen your ratchet.
When this happens, chances are recoil will loosen the next ratchet, and the next, etc.
Remember to add stop -at least- two knots to your ratchets to prevent this scenario.
Let’s take it one step further.
What works for a small structure (say, a few square meters of shade) might not translate exactly to a bigger project. A structure aiming to shelter a few dozen people from the sun will have a much bigger shade canopy. This will act like a sail and put tremendous pressure on the structure, especially when the wind picks up. We are talking several tons of pressure! For this reason, consider the following upgrade :
Replace a single post by a square box made of four posts linked at the top with beams.
Important: beams that meet at a corner should over-lap to ensure maximum strength, and then be braced to the vertical post.
Then anchor each corner like previously described.
You now have an extremely solid structure element, with the added advantage of being easily covered with a tarp for a rain-proof area (think kitchen, sound booth, tool shed…).
Note: Using screws instead of nails will make taking down your structure much easier. We recommend bringing a decent impact-driver and appropriate wood screws. To avoid splitting wood in this dry environment, pre-drill guide holes with a drill and wood bit. You can then re-use the wood next year!
The main goal for most people building at Nowhere is to have enough shade for all members of their camp.
The natural solution is to add shade cloth on top of the structure.
However, when the wind picks up (and it will), this will turn into a literal sail, and the bigger it is, the more pressure it will put on your structure.
Due to the high winds encountered in Monegros valley, we must recommend that you use the following precautions :
- Do not use tarp fabric or other non-breathable material. this will catch the wind too much and be too rigid, resulting in tremendous pressure on your structure. Consider instead using UV-proof 80% density or more shade cloth, or other types of stretchy fabrics. Having some give will make it much safer.
- Never tie your shade to your structure itself. This may lead to structure collapse in case of a storm. Instead, stretch your shade over your structure and anchor it to the ground with separate ground anchors.
Why? Because if the wind is too strong, it will rip off the shade cloth without taking down the structure itself. Some flapping shade-cloth is unlikely to hurt you. Big wooden beams falling down, on the other hand, are very dangerous.
To keep your shade from sagging, use small-diameter nylon rope to create a criss-cross of lines between posts that your shade can rest on. Remember, do not tie the shade to these lines though! It must only rest on it.

Some Bus can be organized to get to and from the site.
You’ll find more info here later.
Bus tickets are online !
There is :
- Build bus 26th june
events/260508-nowhere-bus- 2024-build-bus-26th-june- barcelona-to-nowhere#/ - Barcelona to nowhere bus (1 and 2 of july)
events/260504-nowhere-bus- 2024-barcelona-to-nowhere#/ - Nowhere to barcelona bus (7,8 and 9 of July)
events/260506-nowhere-bus- 2024-nowhere-to-barcelona#/ - Strike bus 13th of July free of charge for strikers
Price for one ticket is 43.5€
If you want to ensure that buses will always be available in future Nowhere please join us by becoming our Bus Lead! You can learn more here.
While Nowhere brings out the kid in many adults, it is still primarily an adult atmosphere. You should talk to your kids in advance about the kind of things they might see or hear, and discuss what they will and won’t be OK with. You and your children will never be forced to participate in activities you’re uncomfortable with. Your fellow Nowhere-goers will respect your limits. And if you set the example of an open mind, you may find your kids have an even easier time accepting their surroundings than you think.
Most importantly, have fun! When you’re sitting on the ground doing arts and crafts, enjoying a mid-day nap or jumping on a trampoline dressed as a cowboy, you realise that here everybody gets to be a child again.
One of the core ideas behind Nowhere is radical self-reliance. Dealing with the extreme weather without the creature comforts of home is a challenge, but also a great opportunity. Before you leave for Nowhere, read over the survival guide carefully with your child, and make sure they understand what they might find there. This also gives you the chance to talk through any questions with us well in advance.
When you arrive, ask No Info (our information desk) to find one of the Kid Representatives, and they can show you all the nooks and crannies of the site, including the areas that aren’t safe. It’s up to you to set boundaries for your child, but some areas are off-limits to everyone (for safety), and these will be clearly marked. Many of the surrounding ditches and outcrops, for example, are made of treacherously crumbly earth. It’s important for your child to know where things are – it gets very dark at night, and a trip to the toilet can be challenging and potentially dangerous.
Most people at Nowhere are happy to hang out with kids and, in the community spirit, will naturally keep an eye out for them, but if you want to go off without your kids for a night, you will need to arrange childcare. We do not provide a babysitting service at Nowhere!
Most of the events and workshops at Nowhere are fun for all ages, and there will be some events created with children in mind. Dressing up is a great way to participate and express yourself.
Costume Camp has a great collection of clothing and accessories, but it could always use more, especially for kids! See if your kids have anything they would like to bring or a special costume idea – this is a great opportunity for them to express themselves, too!
The same applies at Nowhere as in the default world: always know where your child is. The Nowhere community is small and friendly, but we cannot predict the actions of everyone there. We can guarantee, however, that if anyone is subjected to inappropriate or disrespectful behaviour, it will be handled swiftly and respectfully.
Most teenagers coming to an event like this are capable of taking care of themselves, and some may have been to events like Nowhere or Burning Man before. While we understand this and will treat your teen as an equal member of the community, legally anyone under the age of 18 will be considered a child.
What you let your teen do is your business, but bear in mind that behaviour such as under-age drinking is illegal at Nowhere, just as it is elsewhere in Spain.
With searing heat in the day and plunging temperatures at night, you need to dress for the occasion. It’s always good to wear natural fibres, which allow the skin to breathe. Be sure to cover the head and neck. Footwear is needed to prevent injuries from loose screws or sharp rocks – they’re easy to miss, especially when it’s dark. With all of these accessories, we might as well make it fun!
This is the perfect chance to break out the pirate hats, bandanas and mad-scientist goggles. With this world being so different from their own, consider bringing things that are familiar to them (such as teddy bears or blankets) so they feel more at home.
You may wish to consult with your family GP before going into the desert, explaining the nature and duration of the trip. If you have any specific medical questions, feel free to email us at
There is now also a Facebook group for Nowhere parents to share problems, suggestions, solutions. Conversations do not have to relate solely to Nowhere.
For more information, or to let us know you are bringing your child, please email
Please note: We consider a ‘parent’ to be anyone legally and, more importantly, emotionally responsible for the health, well-being, and upbringing of a child, whether a genetic parent–child relationship exists or not. From the standpoint of the law, and of responsibility, a child is anyone under the age of 18.
As well as the recommendations in the survival guide, you may want to think about the following:
- nappies, powders and anything else needed for changing an infant
- a proper shade structure
- sun cream (the highest factor)
- moisturiser
- child-friendly mosquito repellent
- antiseptic lotions
- antihistamines for all children over 2 (for mosquito bites)
- child-friendly painkillers
- plenty of snacks with sugars and salts to replenish those lost through sweating
- goggles (the winds are not as harsh as at Burning Man, but dust still gets everywhere!)
It’s important to remember how far away you will be from civilisation. EEA citizens will find a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) very useful, so make sure you get one before travelling. The nearest hospital is about an hour away, and a basic medical centre about 20 minutes away. We aren’t legally allowed to administer medication, so if there is anything you feel you or your child will need, please be sure to bring it. Any child with long-standing conditions should bring meds and spares in case of loss or damage.
Onsite, we have a Red Cross ambulance crew in case of emergencies and a medical tent with basic first aid. There will be someone there 24h/24, with a radio and mobile phone.
We’ve not had changing facilities in the past, but if you are bringing a little one who needs changing, please email, and we can discuss options.
Ticket sales are non-refundable.
- Children from 14 to 18 years old: 80€
- Children under 14 years old: 1€
Some sort of proof-of-age for the children will also need to be shown at the Gate upon arrival.
No children under 14 are allowed on site during set up or take down.
During these times the site is effectively a building site. There will be lots of power tools, splinters, people moving heavy objects, and everything else you would expect on a construction site. If you’re thinking of bringing a teen with you for set up, please contact us and we can discuss options.
Although we try to fund as many projects as possible, our money is limited. However, grants are by no means the only option; many art and innovation projects are self-funded or funded collectively through theme camps, while others are crowdfunded.
Crowdfunding is a way to raise money directly from your community. It’s not complicated but requires time and preparation to make sure your campaign is successful.
The first thing you need to do is create a project page on one of the many crowdfunding websites.
Your page should have an explanation what the project is, who is behind it and why you need money for it. It’s good to add pictures (drafts of your prototype, drawings, pictures, pictures of the team etc) and to also have a video explaining the project.
The goal of your page is to make people want to help you by giving a little bit of money. It’s a very important page!
How much you should ask people to donate depends on your project. Outline your expenses on your page, so people know how you will spend their donations.
A great way to get people to donate to your project is to offer them rewards in return for donations. Rewards can include postcards, t-shirts, badges, special personal gifts etc. It’s good to be creative and find rewards that get people excited without costing you too much.
Just publishing your campaign and waiting for people to show up is not enough. You really have to put energy into promoting it far and wide. We can help you with that, so email for advice.
The people who are willing to donate to your project are people you already know: Nobodies, Burners, friends, family, colleagues etc. You should ask them first before reaching out to other circles. However, be careful not to ask the same people too many times – they will start to feel spammed and it can have the opposite effect.
Many Burning Man projects used crowdfunding. Check out the ‘Tower of Nowhere’ project.
Nowhere is an official mentor on KissKissBankBank, a European crowdfunding platform with many art projects. When you create your campaign on the website, we can see it and support you by communicating your project. The Nowhere logo will also appear on your project page.
There are many other crowdfunding websites: the two most well-known are Kickstarter and IndieGoGo.
Always get consent before you film or photograph someone at Nowhere. Never film or photograph someone without their express consent.
Nowhere is a special place, where people are encouraged to express themselves in a variety of colourful ways. It is a ready feast for the eyes, and the camera.
- You have the right to ask someone to stop taking a picture/video of you or recording your voice.
- You have the right to know what someone plans to do with a photo/video/audio recording.
In the event that you have a dispute with someone about photography, please flag down a Nomad or come to Malfare so that the volunteers there can help to mediate the situation. Your right to take someone’s photo and publish it NEVER over-rules their right to privacy!
If posting photos onto Facebook or other social networking sites, MAKE 100% SURE that EVERYONE featured in your photos is happy for them to be posted. You should not be tagging people online unless you have their explicit permission
Nowhere is a private event and all rights regarding imagery, sound, or art are reserved by the event organization. Use of any image or sound recorded at Nowhere, be it digital, analog or still camera equipment, is subject to written permission from Nowhere. All written permissions will be limited to the particular project described, and may be subject to restrictions. Specifically, no photo, video, audio or other media taken at Nowhere can be used for commercial purposes.
If you have any questions about photography or filming at Nowhere, please email
Lots of people bring cameras to Nowhere. It’s a unique and visually stimulating experience, and it’s natural to want to record it. Please be respectful when taking photos, ask permission, and be aware that the beauty and freedom of Nowhere may feel very different when plastered across Facebook to be witnessed by your mum and boss.
If you’re taking photos for your own use, please respect each other and our community.
We are deeply grateful to the Nobodies who have offered to share their photographs with us. Please check out our photography credit page to learn more and reach out if you have images to share!
Nowhere is a PRIVATE EVENT and all rights regarding imagery, sound or art are reserved. Use of any image or sound recorded at Nowhere, be it digital, analogue or still camera equipment, is subject to written permission from Nowhere. All written permissions will be limited to the particular project described, and may be subject to restrictions.
For written approval, email
If a participant asks you to stop filming, you must stop immediately or face being escorted from the festival.
The copyright of any design, written work, artwork or performance is owned by the person or group of people who created it. You must ask permission before recording, filming or photographing artwork or performances and get signed model releases from all appropriate parties. You may not use any sounds or images of such designs, artworks or performances without a signed release or license from the creator(s) and Nowhere.
Artist rights and responsibilities:
- You have the right to protect the sound or image of your artwork or performance.
- You have the right to ask someone to stop taking images of your art or performance or an audio recording if you don’t approve.
- You have the right to be credited for authorship of your artwork in any commercial use of your work, and perhaps to receive a payment.
- You have the right to enforce copyright and trademark ownership of your unique work.
- Photographers and videographers should get your signature on a release or license in order to make any use of images of your work for commercial purposes.
Take a look at our Press Kit for some facts and figures about the event, and other important information to know if you plan to cover the event.
Nowhere 2019 Dossier de Prensa en Español (PDF)
Please contact if you have any questions or need further assistance.
First things first, you should read the Nowhere Survival Guide!! If you have any questions, email us at
Malfare is both the name for the team who look after participant safety and welfare on site, and the physical structure where you can find go if you need assistance.
Malfare is the place to go to access Red Cross services or to report a problem relating to either participants or infrastructure.
At all times there are both a Malfare Shift Lead and a Site Lead on duty, who deal with people and things respectively
They focus on participant well-being, for when things move beyond what can reasonably be expected under radical self-reliance.
Malfare also co-ordinates on-site translation, and may be able to help you communicate with medical personnel on-site (the Red Cross).
Malfare will help you get off site via the Red Cross. Malfare can give you the information needed for you or your campmates to get to hospital. Keep in mind, they will ask for your medical card and/or money for services.
Contact Malfare pre-event at
They are the trained Malfare volunteers!
They will be walking around the site and are available to deal with any concerns you may have and provide information on welfare services.
You can recognize them by their blue vests/gilets.
Welfare Enough offers a 24 hour service and provides a safe and sober space for participants to collect themselves in a quiet place, receive some emotional support, or rehydrate with a non-alcoholic beverage.
Welfare Enough does not offer any medical services and annot help with injuries or physical health issues.
Participants can go directly to the Welfare Enough dome without checking in at Malfare first.
The Red Cross has asked people to try and take care of themselves. Last year they saw over 1000 people for issues such as dust in their eyes or minor cuts, or wounds that needed stitches and heat stress.
If you are given advice by Red Cross, such as keeping off your feet, they mean it! They aren’t trying to be party poopers!
Because of this, the Red Cross was not able to rest and as such they have asked for ‘working hours’. These are still being working out, but it looks like from 10am to 3pm and from 6pm to 9pm.
The Red Cross will still be available for any emergency or critical need which they will attend to.
The Malfare tent will have self service supplies for anyone wishing to use these (although you should bring your own supplies of eye cleaning salines, plasters, antiseptic wipes, bandages and rehydration things).
SARIÑENA: 25 minutes away.
Address: Carretera Zaragoza. Calle Lanaja.
Telephone: +34 974 571 027 (emergencies)
or +34 974 571 202 (bookings)
HUESCA (HOSPITAL): over 1 hour away.
Address : Hospital San Jorge. Avenida Martínez de Velasco 36, 22004 Huesca.
Telephone: +34 974 247000
Health centres will treat anyone for free but you will pay for any medication. If a hospital visit is required you will have to pay if you don’t have a European Health Insurance Card.
Clear urine is the best sign that you are hydrated. Drink all the time, even if you are not thirsty.
Headaches, stomach cramps, abdominal pains, constipation or flu-like symptoms.
It can appear as both heat-related and cold-related symptoms (sunstroke and hypothermia).
If you or someone you know complains of these symptoms, or shows signs of either severe overheating or (worse) a case of chills under the midday sun, get them to shade immediately and have someone contact Malfare.
Use of alcohol, caffeine and other drugs will place you particularly at risk of dehydration, and you should pay careful attention to your water intake.
- You don’t carry a water bottle with you at all times
- You swill instead of drinking deeply
- You wait to drink until you’re thirsty… this is too late!
- You become cranky
- Your urine is anything but clear and abundant.
Rehydration mix (old man sweat) recipe per 10 liters:
- 26 g of salt
- For sodium 29 g of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
- For sodium and pH correction 15 g of potassium chloride (low sodium salt) The replenish potassium, reduces cramps
- 5 litres of juice (3 litres of peach, 2 of orange) For taste and for glucose, peach masks the taste of salt far better than most others. Pineapple also works, you may have additional ideas/experience.)
- 1 bottle of sparkling water (1.5 l)
- 1 bag of ice (2kg = 2l)
- Half a litre of water.
You can double the salts if people drink this too quickly. Do NOT add sugar, that will make them drink it for taste, rather than salt.
There may be bugs at Nowhere.
MAKE A HANDWASHING STATION AND WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY (after using the toilets, before preparing, cooking or consuming food; after a group activity where contact was made).
Also bring hand sanitizer and use it often.
Keep the food surfaces in your camp/barrio as clean as possible. Wash your dishes in soapy water and rinse them in water that has two teaspoons of eco-friendly bleach added for every four litres.
If you exhibit symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, high fever, jaundice and malaise, you may be sick from contaminated food. Seek medical attention immediately and do not handle food.
Nowhere is built on community, and is the chance to make fantastic new friends – especially safely, one step at a time:
- Introduce yourself to your local volunteers
- Work together to keep your neighbourhood secure
- Let someone know where you’re going if you wander off alone or with a new friend, and check in frequently. Make new friends, but be alert to the actions of those you meet
- Secure your valuables when away from your camp
- Use your instincts
Nowhere can be an erotically charged environment. We want to help prevent sexual harassment and assault while ensuring that sex-positive free expression thrives!
It is imperative to know and express your own sexual boundaries and to ask about and respect your partners’ boundaries.
Communication is the best lubricant!
Always ask and wait for a yes!
To find out more, get in B.E.D. at
Look for NoMads and Malfare.
Remember! We have a fire drill on Monday morning . When you hear a big horn / air riad siren sounding please gather your Barrio and head to the meeting point (Near Malfare and MoN).
Please, please, please. Our permit is not signed yet and depends on the result of this. Help us not fu** up Nowhere.
Please gather your barrio/camp and head to the meeting point (Near Malfare and MoN).
Malfare strongly advises you to:
- Make a first aid kit, which includes eye drops,
anti-diarrhea, and diphenhydramine (for Black Fly Bites). - Make a copy of your ID and your EHIC/EU (or other) medical card and put this in a zip-lock bag and give to a camp lead or inside of your tent – easy to find.
- Tell your loved ones the below information .
- Light natural pathways through your barrio (or camping area) so people know where to walk (and where not to walk).
- Light up and/or Tape Flag tent guy-ropes!
- Figure out if you or a friend can work it out. If not…
- Stop by Malfare and let’s see what we can do! We have a few supplies and the Red Cross is able to help as well.
- Need help that can’t done onsite?
- Tell your friend to grab that ID and EU card from your tent
- We have maps to the hospital if your friend can drive
- The Red Cross can also transport you to the hospital if required.
- When you are all fixed up and ready to come back call us at +34 697 395 687 and we will find a friend to get you from the hospital.
If something happens in the default world and someone needs to find you please ensure they know the below info:
Gather needed info:
- Your first and last name
- Your playa name (if you have one)
- Who you came with
- What camp/barrio you are with
- A physical description
With this information they can call +34 633 761 544, and/or send an email to
Anybody who feels impacted after a consent breach (whatever it is, not only sexual or physical assaults) is very welcome to have a confidential chat in the Safe Space.
The Safe Space is a secure place specifically designed for listening to you without being disturbed. In this environment we invite you to have a confidential support talk with a qualified volunteer(1).
You can request to use the Safe Space by filling a Consent Violation report at the anonymous reporting box in the Welfare Enough tent. Just check the box indicating that you would like to make an appointment with a qualified listener and be supported at the Safe Space and come back to Welfare Enough at the time indicated on the form.
The Safe Space volunteers will wear a blue hat, they will greet you with a smile and invite you to walk together to the Safe Space.
(1) All volunteers involved in the Safe Space and Box project are experienced as good listeners (in some cases by their profession). All of them have signed a Written Agreement To Maintain Confidentiality.
Read more about consent here.
- You must AT LEAST have a 6 kg ABC powder extinguisher!
- Your kitchen must be placed at 20 m away from any vegetation.(10 m from hazard tape)
- No solid fuels onsite (e.g. no burning wood, candles…)
- Gas bottles must be kept in the shade
Some culinary delights are cooked up in the camp kitchens, feeding dozens of Nobodies.
But if the food is:
- Prepared by dirty hands
- Served on poorly washed kitchen equipment and cutlery, and
- Left overs are left out for flies
…then, harmful bacteria can spread between food, surfaces, equipment, and the camp.
- Wash yourself : Look at the (hand)washing station section
- Wash all vegetables & remove skins before cooking
- Clean down the work surfaces with antibacterial cleaning sprays
- Re-wash any cooking equipment if it has been left out
- Cook food thoroughly at a high temperature (particularly poultry, pork, red meat, sausages, kidney beans)
- When preparing or serving food, keep the food covered with fly cover
- Put it away; see Food storage
- Clean down the work surfaces with antibacterial cleaning sprays
- Washing up: have a rota with dedicated people who wash and sanitize their hands before getting started
- Dry up the clean items and store in containers with lids
Store foods properly, like so:
- Keep dry foods stored in the shade in containers with lids
- Keep uncooked fruit and veg stored in the shade and in containers with covers
- Store high risk foods in a cool box or refrigerator at all times, such as raw meat, cooked meat, poultry, dairy products, egg products, seafood, processed vegetables and fruit.
- Avoid those foods that need to be chilled at below 5°C at Nowhere.
It’s pretty hot. If you are using a cool box with ice, make sure the water from the melted ice bags is drained and the ice is replaced regularly with clean hands.
It is advisable not to save cooked food, even if you have a fridge and do not reheat previously cooked meals.
- Keep your camp rubbish bins away from your camp kitchen
- Keep lids on your bins at all times.
- Do not dump food waste in the toilet holes or in the ditches around the campsite.
Check Leave No Trace and MOOP for more information on waste and recycling.
- Create a handwashing station for the camp members
Food preparation and consumption
- Cooks and helpers should wash hands, clean nails, and use hand sanitizing gel
- Camp mates need wash and hand sanitize their hands before any meal
- Do not leave food leftovers and dirty plates and cups out around the camp
- Avoid sharing drinks, cups, plates and cutlery with other people.
- Wash cups/glasses between uses
- If food or drink is dropped, dilute with water to keep flies away
Personal hygiene
- After using the toilets, add dirt down the hole, brush down the seat, and close the lid
- After using the toilets always wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.
- Buy cans of things, not glass jars – you can squash them, which takes up less space before recycling
- You can keep food cool by wrapping a shelf in damp cloth; you can also let the entire thing sit in shallow water
- Bring fly paper with you and fly covers for food as flies are a nuisance and will quickly make people sick
- Have antibacterial hand lotion available for people before eating
- If people have been working, they will want to wash their hands properly before eating – you should put some bleach in a tub for them to do this
- Remember to bring eco-friendly washing-up liquid with you as it’s hard to find in Spain
- Put some bleach in your dish-washing water to prevent your wash tubs becoming interesting microbiological experiments
- To save water, washing up is best done in a series of stations, rather than in one big tub:
- Clean plates over a bin
- Rinse the plates (in dirty water) (water from step 3)
- Clean the plates in soapy water (water from step 4, with washing up liquid)
- Rinse the plates in clean water (with bleach)
- Every time one of the tubs becomes too dirty, it moves to become the water at the previous step/station.
- Consider getting everyone to bring (and wash) their own plate and cutlery
- Check your camp’s food allergies and the number of vegetarians so you can plan accordingly. Don’t tolerate fussy eaters (only real vegetarians and allergies!) – people can fish out mushrooms (or whatever it is they don’t like), you can’t be cooking them separate meals!
- Cook one-pot dishes – don’t attempt anything too fancy, keep it simple but plan your recipes so that not everything tastes the same every single night
- If cooking for loads of people, it’s a good idea to cook ingredients separately in different pots and then add them all together at the end
- Do pastas, rice, cous cous or stews, which can be had with bread
- Dried food keeps well (duh!) but things like dried chorizo and beans are great for the last few days, because they keep really well for a long time
- One-pot dishes are good because you can then do a separate salad or veggie side dish or have extra stuff to sprinkle on top… The more bits and bobs, the better – it gives people a sense of variety
- Big pots full of food are bloody heavy – make sure you have strong assistants and giant ladles to scoop the food out with
- Avoid root vegetables if you can – they’re a pain to peel and take a long time to cook
- Know your local food resources: Spain has different things to England/Holland/Norway etc, so don’t expect huge quantities of tofu, ground coriander etc in Sarinena – get that kind of stuff in bulk at home and bring it with you
- Adding toasted seeds to anything instantly makes it so much more glamorous and tasty
- You can never have enough tea towels – for drying, for lifting hot things, for using as fly covers
- Kitchen gadgets are essential – lemon squeezers, can openers, scissors, sharp knives, chopping boards
- A key thing is a good food waste bin with a lid – we bought a cheap little red dustbin in Sarinena with a lid that clips shut. That way flies are kept out, you still recycle the food and there is no smell or too much dirt.
- If there is anything you definitely know you need, buy it before you go out just in case – particularly spices, washing-up liquid etc. Unless your Spanish is brilliant, identifying certain products will be hard, if not impossible.
- Keep the recipes simple – people don’t want gourmet food, they want full bellies! That way it is much easier for those cooking, and much quicker for the hungry people waiting.
- Check out the ice situation before you go – we went green last year and bought ice packs for cool boxes. These were frozen by the lovely ice camp and we had enough to replenish each day – that way, the food doesn’t sit in water, your aren’t having to spend money on ice and it is all a bit greener. This only works if you have a friendly ice camp though!
- Gas is essential and hard to come by. Head to a big city petrol station (Zaragoza worked for us) and take a Spanish speaker. One canister should be plenty for a 20–25 person camp for the week. Not all petrol stations will sell you a gas canister without you giving them an empty one first – you just need to drive around until you find one that will!
- Snacks – people need food fairly continuously, what with sweating in the heat, dancing like loons etc, so have plenty of salt and sugar snacks that people can grab as they want. We bulk bought madelines last year, which were a roaring success.
- Maybe take the focus off booze – we ran a no booze kitchen. All the money went towards food, with people getting their own drink as needed. That way no one feels cheated if they don’t drink as much as others – it can stop any bad feelings and also keeps the costs down.
Check the WWW Guide or the NoInfo booth for further details.
(read it, share it, print it)
Everything you bring to the desert has the potential to become MATTER OUT OF PLACE (MOOP): costumes, water bottles, booze containers, inflatable chairs, hats, fruit, cigarette butts, rope fibres, even sequins can all become MOOP. Every person and every barrio is responsible for their rubbish.
One of the fundamental idea of Leave no trace is : Pack it in, pack it out. Everything brought at Nowhere will have to be taken away before the end of the event.
However, at Nowhere, the WaR Zone is a designated site where volunteers can help you dispose of rubbish and recycle. This is to be used with care and respect and is only open during the day.
Large items such as mattresses, tents, building materials etc. will NOT be accepted at the WaR Zone and must be taken home with you.
Nowhere follows the Spanish recycling system :
- YELLOW: Metal, Plastic & Tetrapacks
- GREEN BELL SHAPED: Glass, bottles and jars
- BLUE: Clean Paper and Cardboard
- GREEN cube bin Garbage: General Waste (keep minimal!)
- COMPOST HOLES: Compost & Dirty Paper / Cardboard (e.g., paper towels, coffee filters) No meat or dairy.
At Nowhere use TRANSPARENT RUBBISH BAGS. Please ensure that you bring these with you. This helps make sure that the right waste/recycling is in the right bins, and the safety of the volunteers handling it.
Prior to arrival to Nowhere remove all surplus packaging to minimise waste generation.
Grey Water (waste water) must NOT be thrown into the toilets or added into compostable material as this contains harmful chemicals which upset the balance of the composting.
To deal with your Grey Water, please only use eco-friendly/biodegradable soaps, detergents and shower gels, then filter/sieve all water to remove large elements such as food waste etc., (to be added to your general waste) and finally either collect your grey water to be disposed of in the local town or create an evaporation pond.
Each Barrio must have an LNT Lead, who will give guidance on how to sort recycling or safely dispose of rubbish. This person will be sent some documentation (posters, spreadsheets, all the fun) before the beginning of the event.
Every day, during event, waste and recycling needs to be taken from your Camp / Barrio to the W&R (Waste and Recycling) Zone before the site closes at 21:30 each day.
This is part of our permits and National Law applying to campsites, The service is provided by the local authorities.
Check the WWW Guide and the website for the dates and times. The waste disposal site is within walking distance of Nowhere but it will help to have a trolley to take it there.
NEVER LET MOOP HIT THE GROUND. Clean as you go. MOOP attracts more MOOP. When you see trash on the ground, pick it up and take it with you – you won’t see it later as layers of dust accumulate
- Carry a MOOP bag. Wherever you go, carry a small bag to collect any MOOP you find. You can, of course, customise your MOOP bag to make it a part of your playa wear.
- Weigh items down/don’t let them blow away: put a weight on or tie down anything that can blow away.
- If you’re a smoker, carry a portable ashtray such as a mint tin with you at all times. Or put butts in your pocket. Never, ever drop butts.
- Ask permission before using a barrio’s refuse area if you are not camping with them. Some barrios will only be able to deal with their own campers’ rubbish.
- Only biodegradable food waste and absorbent paper (e.g. kitchen roll) should be put in the organic recycling
- Separate recycling into glass, plastic, aluminium and cardboard/paper.
- Do not let bins overflow and MOOP get out of hand.
- NEVER burn rubbish! Take it to the waste disposal site or into the containers located in Sariñena.
- If in doubt, ask your barrio LNT Lead. Freecampers can ask Q’s to the Site LNT Lead or pre-event.
If you’re taking mains electrical equipment to Nowhere, read these frequently asked questions first…
For artists requesting power from the central Nowhere grid, a more detailed document will be sent out closer to the event. Make sure to register your project so we have your contact information.
If you have a question not listed here, then email and we’ll try to help.
You cannot plug your stuff in. We only supply power to official Norg (Nowhere Organisational Board) projects such as the Middle of Nowhere and Malfare, as well as to artists who register their need in advance (you’ll need to have a IP67 16A Single Phase CEE plug on your cable to use Norg power). If you need power for anything else, you need to source it yourselves.
Most electronic equipment has a sticker somewhere that gives the power usage in Watts. If you can’t find this, you can always invest in a power meter (search for power watt meter, going for around £10 on eBay at the time of writing).
A good rule of thumb is that anything that generates heat will use a lot of power, eg a kettle (2kW), hair dryer (1.5kW) and incandescent lightbulbs.
Any distance that electricity travels reduces the power it can supply. Cheap cables tend to contain less metal, which makes this worse. Either buy a better cable or move things closer.
It’s possible that you’re plugging too much in. A normal cable is designed to have up to 3kW plugged into it; going over this will blow the fuse or start melting things.
Generators must be placed:
- within the boundary of your camp or barrio
- at least 10 meters away from the perimeter road
- at least 15m away from any fuel tank
- at least 25 meters away from any vegetation
- No generator in the blue zone (no sound zone)
ALL GENERATORS MUST HAVE A GROUNDED EARTH SPIKE. And this grounding must be certified (our team will check on your groundings with a local electrician before the governmental inspection.) Let us know if you need help with the grounding by contacting the production office before the event.
- All gasoline tanks and gas bottles must be adequately shaded from the sun and stored far from all heat sources.
- All rubber components (hoses, connections) must be in good condition, far away from heat sources (sun, kitchens, etc.) and protected from accidental and inappropriate manipulation.
- Gasoline must be stored at least 15 meters away from the generator and protected from the sun and any other heatsource. Moreover, big tanks must be fenced off to avoid accidental or inappropriate access.
- All gasoline tanks must have the CE mark and be approved for use.
Please also consider building sound insulation around your generator. Or better still, see if you can get a group of people or barrios together to share a bigger, quieter generator.
Lights vary a lot: LED lights will only use a few watts, but floodlights can use several thousand. Think carefully about how much light you need (a 150W floodlight is more than enough for most things).
You should consider getting an RCD or Residual Current Device. Unlike a regular circuit breaker, which acts like a fuse and turns off the power if too much is flowing, an RCD trips if it detects any power not travelling around the normal circuit. An RCD may otherwise be known as an RCCB or (if it works like a fuse as well) an RCBO.
Probably not. Household plugs are not designed for rain, so need to be kept sheltered and off the ground. CEEform plugs are designed for outdoor use and normally come with ratings explaining how good they are. The ratings look like ‘IP44’, where the first number gives how well solid objects are kept out (4 = keeps out anything smaller than 1mm, 6 = dust proof) and the second number gives the water resistance (4 = splash/rain proof, 7 = waterproof to 1m).
Cheap generators tend to have an unregulated voltage output, so if you have any sensitive electronics (laptop, speakers, phone charger) you should get a voltage regulator to make sure you don’t fry them. Another concern is that small generators are very noisy and fuel hungry, so it’s worth seeing if your neighbours want to pool together to get a bigger one.
Try Wikipedia for a proper explanation, but if you’re trying to figure out generator capacities, they’re closely related to watts. Try not to go above 75% of your generator capacity in kW.
For example, if you want to power 2kW your generator should have a capacity of 2.7kVA
A few words of sound advice
If you’re bringing a sound system to Nowhere, then we love you… and we want everyone to still love you by the end of the week!
Nowhere is a 24-hour experience on a smallish site. Not everyone will be sleeping or dancing when you are. There are also plenty of things at Nowhere that are best enjoyed without background dubstep. So while we don’t want to tell you how loud you can be within your barrio, we do ask that you control how far your sound travels across Nowhere and that you pre-register with so we can make sure you’re in the best spot.
As a guideline, your volume shouldn’t interfere with what is happening in the Middle of Nowhere or anything happening on the other side of the site. If people in the main camping areas can still hear you after putting in earplugs, your sound is traveling too far.
Some tips to reduce how far sound travels
Sound travels through the ground very easily at Nowhere. You should put your speakers on top of something, ideally at least 50cm off the ground. Most speakers can be put on stands. Larger bass or sub speakers can be placed on scaffolding or a strong table.
Speakers should face away from the site and be angled so that sound doesn’t echo from nearby hills.
If you have a large van or truck, place it between your sound system and the site to block the noise. Try hanging heavy curtains behind your speakers – putting curtains around your party space makes it seem louder inside and quieter outside, so win–win!
It doesn’t matter how many times you ask them, DJs always end up mixing the next track just a little louder than the last and your volume creeps up over time. So, if you have a PA over 1k or you’re running a bass speaker, have a limiter on your system. If you’re using bass speakers, you may find it useful to have a separate limiter for these.
If you have a bass-heavy sound, you can use a graphic equaliser to control how far your bass travels, without reducing your overall volume. The more channels of EQ you have, the more you can tweak your bass to reduce distance, without compromising your overall sound. Some graphic EQs also feature a low cut filter, which enables you to completely cut out the very lowest frequencies, which you can’t hear near the speakers but travel a long way across the site. The simplest and cheapest option we’ve found so far to provide a limiter, graphic EQ and low cut filter in one box is the Behringer DEQ1024. Let us know if you find something better.
You can set up a compressor to act as a soft limiter, so that you don’t get the sharp volume limit of a standard limiter, and an expander to boost the quieter parts of your music, without increasing your overall volume.
Using a sonic exciter will make your system sound louder and more focused, without the need to add more power or volume. Devices such as the Aphex 204 or the BBE Sonic Maximizer range can often be found on eBay for around €100.
While we want you to enjoy your music at full volume, if it’s still too loud on the other side of the site we may come and ask you to reduce your volume a bit.