Role to be filled
Gate is the first and last encounter many participants will have with Nowhere as an event. The gate is open for approximately three weeks from set-up through strike. Gate is the first point of contact for local authorities and other visitors coming on-site. This role is responsible for the overall management of the gate while it is operational including volunteer resourcing and training.
- Liaise with Directors, MetaLeads, and other Leads with regards to planning of Gate operations on site including expected arrival procedures, emergency procedures, and updating any new procedures put in effect
- Liaise with Communications to ensure pre-event communications are sent to inform the community about Gate practices/rules
- Be knowledgeable of all entry and departure procedures and respond to any related enquires (.e. early entry, prohibited items, ticketing, etc)
- Liaise with ticketing lead to plan for the launch of ticket sales and the division of responsibilities between Gate and Ticketing
- Review and update Gate policies and procedures (e.g. Malfare emergency response)
- Review and update Gate operations manuals
- Agree budget with MetaLead and Finance and monitor budget for Gate
- Recruit and train Daily Gate Leads and Gatekeepers
- Create a rota for Gate operational periods (three weeks approximately)
- Maintain Nowhere Drive Gate folders and ensure information is kept up-to-date
- Liaise with relevant leads regarding Gate structure, signage, and power supply
- Agree bus arrival plan and procedures with Bus Lead and Production
- Participate in any planning meetings relevant to your role.
- Ensure that Gate is fully resourced with a Daily Gate Lead and Gatekeepers for all shifts during the three weeks from set-up through strike
- Work with Volunteer Coordinators to recruit on-site as needed and rota updated with No Info
- Keep all Daily Gate Leads informed of any safety and security protocols and/or developing issues/situations on site that will affect gate
- Ensure that there is at least one Spanish speaker on all Gate shifts during operation or arrange for interpretation from Malfare on-call interpreter
- Maintains a presence supporting Daily Gate Leads and Gatekeepers and keep MetaLead updated as needed
- Responsible for liaising with No Info, LNT, and Strike leads ensuring all volunteers are informed about local recycling points, waste facilities and local resources.
- Ensure Gate materials are packed for one year of storage and inventory is recorded
- Participate in any on-site meetings relevant to your role
- Carry out any site management shifts according to agreed rota
- Provide feedback and highlight any areas that may need review or improvement
- Participate in any all lead meetings for debriefing as required
- Create project plan for following Nowhere
Pre Event: February to June – recruitment, rota creation, manual update, online trainings, procurement for Gate, email and Skype liaising with other leads.
On-site: Two days prior to Gate Opening (for Early Entry) till Gate Closure at end of the Event (Striking Gate is not the responsibility of the Gate Lead) – approximately two weeks in total On-Site.
Post Event: Compiling the Post Nowhere Report, liaising with other Leads and Site Administrator, attending/participating in the All Leads Meeting
- Engage in knowledge-sharing with the past Gate Leads.
- Begin receiving the emails for
- Take charge of the GoogleDrive for Gate and organise the content from the previous year in a manner that makes sense to you – without deleting the previous year’s items.
- Identify a co-lead as required, train the co-lead and create an effective work relationship.
- Prepare the rota and begin recruitment of Gate Krew via online methods
- Read and review all event time policies with regards to Emergency responses, liase with relevant Leads in the process of refining these policies.
- Update the Gate Manuals with any changes to policy from the year before and train any veteran Gate Katz so that they are ready for such changes.
- Liaise with Malfare Lead to ensure unified response in case of Emergency situations.
- Agree to expected budget with MetaLead
- Liaises with Storage Lead regarding Gate Container, and with Build Lead so that Gate structure is built before Gate opens (for Early Entry)
- Liaises with various leads to discuss and decide on entry policies, early entry plans, and any updates to Gate operations since the year before.
- Liaise with Placement Lead regarding location of Gate structures (including container orientation), Greeters station, and traffic management and flow both on and off site.
- Liaise with Signs Lead request any additional suitable signage and delineation for traffic management (see inventory of Gate Container for current signage)
- Liaise with Barrios and Art/Innovation to identify expected early entry arrivals for projects and ensure information is recorded and shared with Daily Gate Leads and Gatekeepers
- Identify power and lighting needs for Gate and relay information to Lighting and power Leads.
- Liaise with Bus Lead to plan and painlessly execute a system for processing the arrival of up to 120 individuals by bus on site (post Early Entry)
- Identify and source individuals to act as “Daily Gate Leads” – see DGL training Manual
- Print and ring-bind the Gate Log Book – adapt paged from files can be found in Google Drive from last year.
- Plan pre-event sourcing of essential supplies for on-site Services, i.e. consumables for crew on shifts (energy drinks, snacks) liaise with Fluffers or Werkhuas leads for this, as well as other items (i.e. weatherproof clothing, furnishings, décor, sound system).
- Fill Gate Rota for the duration of gate operations on site to ensure 24 hour coverage by Krew of 4 Katz (6 hours shifts) and a Daily Gate Lead (12 hour shifts).
- Ensure all shift leads have access to emergency protocols, and are familiarised with the layout of the site, organisation of nowhere and key resources to be used in an emergency.
- Liaise with Build Leads with regards to the erection of, decorating of, and equipping with light and power of Gate structures is completed before opening of Gate (Early Entry).
- Ensure all plans for access to ticketing information are available before departure of first build team to site and clear instructions and plans are in place for Gate Krew until the arrival of ticketing lead (normally just prior to event opening).
- Prepare easy-access tools for Gate Krew to use at the gate including key phrases, radio channel guide, laminated procedures sheets, laminated ‘who to radio’ sheets.
- Attend the Malfare training session on-site.
- Supervise and address and information request about Gate – the structure, Rota, Krew, procedures, etc.
- Maintains a presence supporting Daily Gate Leads, Gate Krew (and potentially Greeters as well). – NOTE: this is not a permanent presence, check-in to ensure that the welfare of the team members is met and always thank these people for their time and energy – regularly ask if any problems occurred and assist where possible or refer to Site Lead.
- Maintains an ‘ear to the ground’ (and on Radio when on-comms) about any issues on site which may affect Gate or a shift’s rota – i.e impending weather, flu epidemic/bug, etc.
- Ensures Gate Log Book is filled in by Krew on a shift-by-shift basis – i.e. visits by law enforcement, issues with unwelcome guests, financial transactions.
- Works to trouble-shoot any issues with Gate operations early in the process to improve them over the rest of the event period, be flexible and adaptable.
- Liaise with Barrios (i.e. Costume Camp) to have a ‘return box’ at Gate for Exodus.
- Ensure inventory is packed properly for one year of storage and that inventory is taken and shared with Storage Lead
- Moop sweep Gate area following close of operations and packing container
- Complete Post Nowhere Report including highlighting areas for improvement and lessons learned
- Update job description and gate manual if necessary
Which department does this role belong to:
Gate MetaLead
Required Skills
- Experience of volunteering at Nowhere or a similar event
- Experience of inventory control and budget monitoring
- Strong communication skills
- Knowledge and skilled use of Google Docs, Emails, Skype
- Fluent in English
- Problem solver
- Able to handle high stress situations
- Experience of volunteer and project management
- Understanding the importance of Gate to Nowhere legal requirements and emergency response scenarios
Bonus Skills
- Ability to speak or substantial knowledge of Spanish
- Knowledge of other languages an asset
- Understanding of the various authorities and bodies in Spain (police, cruz roja, commarga, etc)
- Knowledge of handheld radio operations
- Ability to oversee the welfare of a large team and engage in team-building
- Support and guidance from your MetaLead, co-Lead, and Team members
- The warm glow of being part of the Gate team and the wider NOrg family
- The satisfaction of knowing you are playing a big part in improving Nowhere participants’ experience.
- The opportunity to buy your ticket before the general sale next year
- Swag (team patches and other exciting things) (details TBA…)