We meet where all things start. Nowhere.
Where in Nowhere you ask? The Middle of course!
Come share your passions, your arts, your sun baked ideas
Don’t be so selfish as to keep them to yourself!
What you do is meaningful to us!
A place that begs for you to give yourself
So, what does that nonsense mean?
We have an amazing shared community structure, the Red Stretch Tent, appropriately called The Middle of Nowhere (MoN). As it is smack in the middle of Nowhere.
A space and stage where you can share your passions, skills or arts, teach something, or entertain the other beautiful creatures of the Nowhere community!
“Okay, sounds great! But how!?” we hear you ask. By creating NoProgram together!
Our NoProgram is that schedule of events we create together and we publish in the WhatWhereWhenGuide.
Send a message to mon@goingnowhere.org. For some inspirational brain-storming, idea discussion, logistical need and maybe linking you with other creators.
If you have a clear idea/proposal, message noprogram@goingnowhere.org
Can’t wait to get started? Fill out the MoN Registration Form.
Things you might want to think about:
- What, Where, When and How-long.. (fixed finishing-time or possibly a stretch-time?)
- Technical or Props (lighting, sound, projections, table(s), pillows, mats, electricity…?)
- Supporter (sound engineer/light designer, stagehand, décor for special setup or rearranging formation, or the sound/lighting man to make your show an amplified and shining spectacle, or simply to assure your microphone works properly?)
- Material needs you may have to purchase.. Fill out the Performance Grant Form below…
What we facilitate:
- The space
- Sound/Lighting/Power
- Occasional ideational, logistical, emotional and spiritual support
What you provide:
- Everything else you need for your creation!
Read on for inspiration!
What you share, is a welcomed gift to the community. We know like no others, what the first steps feel like. Feeling the vulnerability even before starting, the fears that come with being seen. With a little doubtful voice in the back of our minds, we might be asking ourselves..
- Will I / this be interesting enough..?
- Is my idea worthy of this big red tent..?
- Will I be able to organize this all by myself..?
- Is there really interest in our community for this..?
- What happens if I forget what I want to do or say…?
The only way to find the answer to these questions is by saying YES!! And doing it together!!
Grab life by the proverbial amaze-balls and come kick ass! At Nowhere, there is no doing it alone. We are here to welcome each other in our glorious attempts!
To get you inspired we made a little overview. Because, there is no better place to start, than Nowhere…
NoProgram Ideas and Examples
Examples of things we have done in the past or/and we may do again this year…
- Nowhere Opening Ceremony
- Tuesday Night: NowHere.Eclectic.Party
- Art Gallery: In Art I Reside
- Morning Sadhana
- Artist Residence Program in the Art Gallery
- Now MoNsoon! Improv-Program
- Saturday Night MoN Prom
- NoMhere! Sunday – Potluck
- That-Other-NowHere Photo Exposition
- Talk of the Directors about the future
- The Nowhere Closing ceremony
Inspiration for your amazing spaces
In the Space of the Red Stretch Tent
Area open to everyone to organise things. For example:
- Improvisation-performances
- Art and DIY creation
- Workshops
- Movement Arts
- Spiritual practices / Sadhana
- Energy and Breath work
- Teaching skills
- Gatherings
- Celebrations or Parties
- Meeting Point (night and day)
- Share your meal space (mind the program/please no cooking at MoN)
- Alchemical and Esoteric life-explorations
- Daily daytime “scorcio” Chill-out
- Innovation experiments (please no pyrotechnics or chemical components)
- Dance venue (sound-zone.. some limitations related to time and loudness of sound)
- Chill-out for the overheated psychonaut, space cowgirl/cowboy, rehydrating desert lizard and coolcats, or foxes, kittens, meows, balls-blazing-rockers
On Stage inside the Red Stretch Tent
Performance venue open to everyone. For example:
- Stage performances
- Concerts
- Performances arts
- Musical Improvisations
- Jam-sessions
- Talks/ Poetry/ Storytelling
- Comedy and Cabaret
- Kirtans/ Mantras/ Chanting
- Martial Arts and Fight-play arena
- Art Gallery – Exhibition and Exposition of Graphic Visual Art:
- Paintings
- Drawings
- Printed CGI
- Manual Print-art
- Photography Art
- Design Arts (fabric/textile)
- Sculptures (small of size)
- Visual Digital Art
Come create, come attend, come melt into the floor. We will see you there. In The Middle of Nowhere.
Register your Performance, Workshop, Activity, Event...
To let everyone know about your event!
NowHere has created a Program-Guide for the events that take place throughout the week at Nowhere. But you have to submit your event with us before it can be included into the WWW-guide.
The What Where When Guide is both a webpage for which you can submit your event and where you can browse everyone else’s events, and create your own calendar for things you want to do during Nowhere. And, it is the Printed Program-Guide, which you will receive at the gate when you arrive at Nowhere.
When you have submitted your workshop, event or activity with us, we will provide you with a code for placement in the WWW-guide.
The deadline for submitting your events to the WWW-Guide is approximately end-June! Depending on the Printer-shop deadline..
Keep an eye on the website for more info!!
How to fund your workshop or event?
More information coming soon for 2024! Please find all our information for 2023 below for your reference.
Nowhere likes to make your workshops, events and activities possible. Just like the creative projects at Nowhere, we can help you fund your program with a grant.
Value: 300€
- Up to 70% of the requested amount, with a maximum of the per/grant specified Value.
- 100% if you are asking for less than 100€
- Deadline: TBD
- Grants are available to help with materials costs – including materials transportation
- This grant will not pay for your ticket or personal transportation costs
- This grant will not pay for your professional equipment / instruments
- Everyone must buy a ticket for Nowhere
- We have safe, lockable storage and the Middle of Nowhere can offer a full P.A. Sound system and Lighting rig
- Please get in contact for a list of equipment we have available
- We only pay grants after the event, on the production of valid receipts
For inquiries about your Grant request, send an email to: performance@goingnowhere.org
Contact Us to get more information!
performance@goingnowhere.org – for more information about the Performance Grants
mon@goingnowhere.org – for more information about MoN in general
noprogram@goingnowhere.org – about your time slot, information to be added to the WWW Guide or any other changes you need to make
programliaison@goingnowhere.org – for your NoProgram related questions