Why should I offer to help?
There are lots of ways you can get involved and volunteer during your time at Nowhere, whatever your skills, interests or abilities. Don’t think of volunteering as taking time out from your burn but instead think of volunteering as an integral part of Nowhere and can be a hugely enjoyable experience and help you to feel you are a real part of the event.
We encourage every Nobody to complete at least one volunteer shift onsite. You never know what sorts of new experiences you will have or what new friends you will meet!
We are all responsible for the creation of this event. We need your help! Everything at Nowhere is run by volunteers – this means: YOU!
What is FIST?
FIST is our online volunteer management system where you can create a profile and sign up for on site shifts – there’s something to suit every skill. Whether you want to check tickets at gate, look after Nobodies at welfare or be in charge of selling ice – FIST is where you’ll find the details.
FIST rotas will open the week tickets go on sale and we encourage everyone attending to sign up for a volunteer profile and at least one shift. You can sign up for a profile before you have your ticket so you can snap up a shift early, but remember to insert your ticket number once you’ve got one.
If you have any problems logging into FIST, please email volunteers@goingnowhere.org
On Site Volunteer Roles
Below is a list of volunteer shifts you can sign up for once tickets go on sale each year (from February/March) via FIST or once you are onsite by going to NoInfo. Find something that suits your skills, or challenge yourself to try something new! And every shift of six hours or more entitles you to a delicious meal at La Cantina.

Participant Wellness
Nomads are Nowhere’s Rangers, who patrol around the site in pairs, checking on the safety and wellbeing of participants during 6hr shifts. Full training is provided via Zoom or on site and is mandatory before your first shift. You will be trained to mediate situations of conflict and will often be the first point of contact for participants needing assistance. Nomading is a rewarding way of volunteering and a good way to meet many new people and learn new skills. No prior knowledge required, and there is always back up at the end of a radio. Email malfare@goingnowhere.org for more info.
For more experienced Nomads, or those with applicable real-world skills, we have these leading roles. Malfare Shift Leads, along with their Assistant, deals with all things people on-site and co-ordinates the Nomads on duty. This role works closely with the Site Lead, who deal with structures, the estate, and non-people things. Together, the on-duty team are responsible for everyone and everything on site during their shift. Shifts are nine hours long, and you are required to have completed Malfare Shift Lead training beforehand, either online or on site. Email malfare@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Welfare Enough provides a calm and sober space for participants who feel overwhelmed for any reason. Volunteers look after the space and the visitors who use it. We are not a counselling service but being a good listener, and knowing when to offer a hot/rehydration drink, is an advantage. Training (online or in person) is required before your first shift, shifts are 4.5hrs long, and you will be working as part of team, lead by a Shift Lead. There are also 12hr Welfare Shift Lead shifts for those with considerable Welfare experience willing to take on more responsibility. Email welfare.enough@goingnowhere.org for more info.
¿Hablas español? ¿E inglés? ¿y francés? Perfect, then we need you! Interpreters are on-call volunteers who work closely with Malfare and Red Cross to facilitate communication and bridge the language gap. We are looking for volunteers who speak English fluently and also one or both of French and Spanish. Further languages are a bonus! Shifts are 6hrs long, and you will be given a radio and only called if needed. Interpreters can be vital in helping to resolve all sorts of situations and can be a very rewarding role. Email malfare@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Are you qualified to drive in Spain (you don’t need your own car) and want to volunteer for a Designated Driver shift? We need volunteers who are prepared to be sober and on call for 12hr shifts, who are available to drive a participant for urgent (but not emergency) healthcare or other important errands. You will be given a radio and only called if needed. Email malfare@goingnowhere.org for more info.
This is a 4hr shift to oversee Ohana House, which is our accessible, sober, shaded, child-friendly space. You will be responsible for making sure the space is relatively orderly, safe and fun and assist with any events, art and crafts, etc. that are taking place. Email malfare@goingnowhere.org for more info.

Finance (AKA Finants)
As a volunteer “Rainmaker” you will be in the shade at NoInfo during the 4.5hr shift. You will handle the filthy cash so all other Nobodies can stay non-commercial, accepting cash for Ice Tokens and Water Tokens, and thus ensuring that hippies can stay cool, clean and hydrated. You hero! You will ideally sign up for at least 2 shifts in this role, as it’s easier on everyone that way. Training provided. Email rainmaker@goingnowhere.org for more info.
In the cool of the NoInfo shade you will dispense ice and smiles in exchange for Ice Tokens. You will need to account for each ice bag in a notebook and store tokens carefully until you hand them over to Rainmaker (every 1-2 hours). Shifts are 4.5hrs, no prior experience required, learn on the job, supported by your Shift Lead. If you are an experienced Ice Ice Baby, consider promotion to being Ice Ice Shift Lead for the day (9hrs.) Email ice@goingnowhere.org for more info.Â

Gate, Greeters & Perimeter
The first people you will meet when you arrive at Nowhere are the Gate Crew. They have a reputation for being a bit grumpy, but they are also masters of efficiently checking tickets and issuing wristbands. Busy shifts can be non-stop, quieter shifts involve lazing around in the shade waiting for the next arrival. Shifts are 6hrs and training will be given. For those with prior Gate experience and a willingness to take on more responsibility, there are 12hr Daily Gate Lead shifts available. Email gate@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Greeters are the welcoming face of Nowhere – warmly saying hello, making sure participants know what they are letting themselves in for, and modelling consent all the way through! The shifts are 6hs long, and you will always be working with other greeters! An experienced Greeter Shift Lead (13hrs) will be there to welcome you 30 minutes before your shift starts and will explain what you are expected to do. Email greeters@goingnowhere.org for more info.
You will patrol the perimeter and outskirts of our city from dusk until dawn, making sure participants are safe and nobody who shouldn’t be is sneaking in… Or is horribly injured in the barranco trying! Shifts are 5hrs. You will be briefed beforehand and, if you are very lucky, get to use the night vision goggles in your quest to track down intruders! Email perimeter@goingnowhere.org for more info.

La Cantina
La Cantina is Nowhere’s volunteer kitchen, serving up to 120 hungry volunteers three times a day. Shifts are around 3hrs, and training and guidance will be given. Choose between preparing and serving food, or keeping the kitchen, eating area clean and tidy and doing the dishes. If you have experience of catering for large numbers of people, consider taking a Cantina Lead shift for a meal – you’ll be provided with training, a meal plan, the raw ingredients, and a team of willing volunteers. Email cantina@goingnowhere.org for more info.

Do you have experience as a sound operator / engineer / technician? Use your skills to operate and maintain the sound system at the Middle of Nowhere and to assist with other sound-related tasks around site. Day long Sound Lead shifts are also available. Email sound@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Do you have lighting experience? Volunteers required to turn on lighting in the Middle of Nowhere, and operate the rig as necessary during program/performances after dark.If you also enjoy being in charge and coordinating volunteers, day long Lighting Lead shifts are also available. Email lighting@goingnowhere.org for more info.

Recruitment & Relationships
Take care of other volunteers while they are on shift; keep them healthy and (mostly) sane by distributing all the salty snacks, sugary drinks, and water they need. Refill, clean, prepare and go on missions with cooler boxes to visit different teams on the site. Shifts are 3hrs long, require no previous experience or training, and all the tasks and info you need will be at the Fluff station at the start of your shift. Email fluffers@goingnowhere.org for more info.
NoInfo is the hub and distribution point of facts and information about anything and everything at Nowhere! You’ll collect info, hand it out to fellow Nobodies, play bulletin board police, recruit new volunteers, and be a Lost and Found hero. Plus, you get to know all the gossip first (be it true or not!). Come join our fun team at NoInfo, where the only thing we know for sure is that we know nothing! Shifts are daytime and 4hrs long, You’ll be briefed at the start of your shift. If you like to be in charge and have a little NoInfo experience, how about a NoInfo Shift Lead shift (8.5hrs)? Email noinfo@goingnowhere.org for more, well, info.
Do you enjoy collecting lost items and reuniting them with their grateful owners? Help to gather lost belongings from across the playa, register them in the system, take reports of lost items from participants, and – the best bit – match them up and reunite people with things! Shifts are 4.5hrs and you’ll learn on the job. Email volunteers@goingnowhere.org for more info.

Site Logistics & Infrastructure
The juice must flow! Nowhere infrastructure needs electricity 24 hours a day; a Power Ranger’s sworn duty is to make this happen. You’ll be sober and on radio to respond to any problems with the electrical grid, which runs power to infrastructure (e.g. Malfare, Gate, NoInfo, MoN, Production) and art projects. Typically these happen a few times through a shift, but normally require a quick inspection for electrical faults and resetting a trip. The rest of the time you’re free to enjoy the event. You’ll need confidence around mains electricity though you’ll be paired with an experienced Power Ranger, so you can learn on the job. Shifts are 6hrs, and full Power Ranger Academy training will be given on-site. Email power@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Working under the direction of the Site Lead on shift, you will be available to assist with keeping the structures on site sturdy and making sure there are no (significant) hazards for our participants during 9hr shifts. This is a sober shift and you will be required to use a radio. To equip you for this task, you will have access to Toolhaüs, and you’ll need to be comfortable with a screwdriver and basic power tools. Email site@goingnowhere.org for more info.
This shift has responsibility for oversight of Site Operations including infrastructure, vehicles, deliveries, keys, and allocation of work to Site Maintenance Crew. This is a sober shift and you will be required to use a radio. Shifts are 9hrs, no specific skills required, and you must attend a training session before your first shift. Email site@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Help wrangle radios for our wonderful volunteers! Show volunteers how to check radios out and in, how to use the radios and how to take care of them. Be responsible for keeping inventory of who checks out and returns what, keeping our batteries charged and general maintenance. Shifts are 8hrs. Also seeking Radio Supervisors, 24hr on-call shifts (so you can mostly enjoy Nowhere or sleep) who manage Radio Wrangler handovers and training. No previous experience necessary, you can learn how to use the software and how to teach it to our wranglers on the spot! Email radios@goingnowhere.org for more info.

Leave No Trace
On Duty at the W&R (Waste & Recycling) Zone, you help confused hippies find the right place for their trash and optimize recycling. You will be welcomed by your Shift Lead who will explain what is expected, which in a nutshell is; to help and guide other Nobodies to put their day-to-day trash correctly sorted in the right container and answer any questions that may arise. Come and help us make LNT fun and informative! Work in the shade with some music in the background. Shifts are 3 hours, it’s a breeze. Email lnt@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Passionate about LNT? During this shift you will search the Playa for MOOP (Matter Out Of Place) then put it in the appropriate place. You will also check in on Barrios and Free Campers to make sure they have a daily deMOOP hour and offer them advice and guidance on recycling and deMOOPing. Este turno no requiere hablar inglés con fluido. Pas besoin de parler Anglais pour être volontaire sur ce poste. Shift length is 3 hrs and guidance will be given. Email lnt@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Still not Sure what to do ?

First time ?
Take care of other volunteers while they are on shift; keep them healthy and (mostly) sane by distributing all the salty snacks, sugary drinks, and water they need. Refill, clean, prepare and go on missions with cooler boxes to visit different teams on the site. Shifts are 3hrs long, require no previous experience or training, and all the tasks and info you need will be at the Fluff station at the start of your shift. Email fluffers@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Do you enjoy collecting lost items and reuniting them with their grateful owners? Help to gather lost belongings from across the playa, register them in the system, take reports of lost items from participants, and – the best bit – match them up and reunite people with things! Shifts are 4.5hrs and you’ll learn on the job. Email volunteers@goingnowhere.org for more info.
La Cantina is Nowhere’s volunteer kitchen, serving up to 120 hungry volunteers three times a day. Shifts are around 3hrs, and training and guidance will be given. Choose between preparing and serving food, or keeping the kitchen, eating area clean and tidy and doing the dishes. If you have experience of catering for large numbers of people, consider taking a Cantina Lead shift for a meal – you’ll be provided with training, a meal plan, the raw ingredients, and a team of willing volunteers. Email cantina@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Passionate about LNT? During this shift you will search the Playa for MOOP (Matter Out Of Place) then put it in the appropriate place. You will also check in on Barrios and Free Campers to make sure they have a daily deMOOP hour and offer them advice and guidance on recycling and deMOOPing. Este turno no requiere hablar inglés con fluido. Pas besoin de parler Anglais pour être volontaire sur ce poste. Shift length is 3 hrs and guidance will be given. Email lnt@goingnowhere.org for more info.

want to do more ?
Nomads are Nowhere’s Rangers, who patrol around the site in pairs, checking on the safety and wellbeing of participants during 6hr shifts. Full training is provided via Zoom or on site and is mandatory before your first shift. You will be trained to mediate situations of conflict and will often be the first point of contact for participants needing assistance. Nomading is a rewarding way of volunteering and a good way to meet many new people and learn new skills. No prior knowledge required, and there is always back up at the end of a radio. Email malfare@goingnowhere.org for more info.
NoInfo is the hub and distribution point of facts and information about anything and everything at Nowhere! You’ll collect info, hand it out to fellow Nobodies, play bulletin board police, recruit new volunteers, and be a Lost and Found hero. Plus, you get to know all the gossip first (be it true or not!). Come join our fun team at NoInfo, where the only thing we know for sure is that we know nothing! Shifts are daytime and 4hrs long, You’ll be briefed at the start of your shift. If you like to be in charge and have a little NoInfo experience, how about a NoInfo Shift Lead shift (8.5hrs)? Email noinfo@goingnowhere.org for more, well, info.
The first people you will meet when you arrive at Nowhere are the Gate Crew. They have a reputation for being a bit grumpy, but they are also masters of efficiently checking tickets and issuing wristbands. Busy shifts can be non-stop, quieter shifts involve lazing around in the shade waiting for the next arrival. Shifts are 6hrs and training will be given. For those with prior Gate experience and a willingness to take on more responsibility, there are 12hr Daily Gate Lead shifts available. Email gate@goingnowhere.org for more info.
You will patrol the perimeter and outskirts of our city from dusk until dawn, making sure participants are safe and nobody who shouldn’t be is sneaking in… Or is horribly injured in the barranco trying! Shifts are 5hrs. You will be briefed beforehand and, if you are very lucky, get to use the night vision goggles in your quest to track down intruders! Email perimeter@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Working under the direction of the Site Lead on shift, you will be available to assist with keeping the structures on site sturdy and making sure there are no (significant) hazards for our participants during 9hr shifts. This is a sober shift and you will be required to use a radio. To equip you for this task, you will have access to Toolhaüs, and you’ll need to be comfortable with a screwdriver and basic power tools. Email site@goingnowhere.org for more info.
Excited for even more responsibility?!
We also have some other roles available to help plan and produce Nowhere. If you would like to get more involved then we would be overjoyed to have you join NOrg!
Tiny (but important) things to note:
- On-site volunteers need to purchase a ticket.
- Nowhere volunteers are required to follow the Volunteer Code of Conduct !
- If you have any questions about volunteering, contact volunteers@goingnowhere.org