Role to be filled

LNT Comms | Lead

Year round


LNT uses different channels to inform participants about LNT @ Nowhere such as the Newsletter, Survival Guide, Barrio Survival Guide and the LNT Facebook page.

Information broadcasted is about the Recycling system we use at Nowhere, MOOP bags, opening hours, all sort of operational information, call for volunteers and anything else we together find useful.

Comms Lead gathers and shares LNT information to various channels and dreams up new ones.

Tasks & Time Commitment 

Most of the tasks that a Comms Lead does are in the months April-June before the event. As the event gets closer, there will be more tasks to do for each team. 

The expected time commitment pre-event from April to June is expected to be 1 to 3 hours per week depending on how close we are to the event.

Post event time commitment is a few hours up to what you want to put into it and together help and improve Nowhere.

These are the tasks you will be getting involved in; 

Pre-Event April-June

  • Inventory about the comms and topics that could be addressed.
  • Put topics that need to be addressed in the timeline.
  • Use the LNT Facebook page to send comms at regular intervals. 
  • Edit the Survival Guide
  • Create LNT content for the Newsletter.

During Event

  • Participate in LNT Team infamous Champagne party.

Post-Event August-October

  • Thank all LNT volunteers through the LNT Facebook page.
  • Provide feedback and highlight any areas that may need review or improvement.
  • Feedback in all leads post Nowhere Report
  • Participate in any all-lead meetings for debriefing when asked (including ALM, its fun)
  • Advise Meta Lead of any budget requirements for next year.

Which department does this role belong to:


Required Skills

  • Enthusiasm
  • Experience of volunteering at Nowhere or a similar event
  • Strong communication skills
  • Basic knowledge of the way Nowhere deals with LNT.
  • Love for Hippies

Bonus skills

  • Interest in transmitting information.
  • Special interest for the Leave No Trace guide


  • Support and guidance from your MetaLead, co-Lead, and Team members
  • The warm glow of being part of the LNT team and the wider NOrg family
  • The opportunity to buy your ticket before the general sale next year
  • Swag (team patches and other exciting things) (details TBA…)