Role to be filled


Are you passionate about Participation? Are you someone with a keen eye for recruiting volunteers and improving processes?

We are looking for 2 x MetaLeads for the Recruitment and Relationships department for Norg – the department that oversees both year-round and event-time volunteering recruitment and retention, as well as deals with relationship issues between volunteers and helps the Org to create and manage policies surrounding recruitment and retention.

The R&R department teams include; Noinfo, Lost and Found, Onboarding, Recruitment,
Relationships, Werkhaus and volunteer Coordination. You will recruit and manage leads in each
of these teams, to ensure the department runs smoothly.

Time Commitment;

This is a year-round role, although during the event you will be able to have time off and just be on call for any issues that may arise with the NoInfo or Lost and Found teams. As a MetaLead
your role is to oversee the department, manage your Leads and make sure they have
everything they need to do their jobs well.

Between March and June, this role requires up to 10 hours a week including attending meetings, planning, solving issues, supporting leads etc.
Between August and December, this role requires around 5 hours a week. You will be expected
to attend MetaLead meetings monthly throughout the year, (currently the 2nd Monday of the
month) and report back to your team about any updates.

Here are some of the duties / tasks you will be getting involved in;


All year round;
● Check in with your teams as needed and solve any issues
● Attend monthly Meta-Lead committee meetings
● Write up progress reports for the ML Meetings
● Review and update recruitment needs of MetaLeads and Directors and paid members of
staff for NORG and manage the recruitment process including interviews.
● Take ownership of and maintain updated information on participants restricted from crew
● Support Leads in your department to ensure they are able to carry out their roles,
resolve any issues that might arise (including covering vacancies as needed), and
provide any guidance and support as and when needed

Pre-event (January – June)

● Recruit and manage Leads and Co-Leads for your sub-departments (current vacancies –
Relationships Lead, Onboarding Lead)
● Liaise with your Recruitment Lead to review and update recruitment needs of lead roles
in other departments and make sure these are communicated to Comms.
● Liaise with your FIST team to coordinate and communicate information about Event time
volunteering to comms, participants and other leads and help them solve any issues that
● Liaise with the Volunteer coordination teams about Build and Strike volunteers and Early
Entry tickets and communicate anything necessary to Comms.
● Develop, review, and update policies such as volunteer codes of conduct, leads
expectations and standards, health and safety, (at least review these annually)
● Analyse training needs in conjunction with department Metaleads
● Manage the budget and items being spent for your sub-departments
● Ensure all leads and volunteers are kept up to date with changes to policies and working
● Work with your Relationships Lead on conflict resolution among volunteers according to
established procedures and develop procedures where necessary
● Work with the Directors and other MetaLeads to establish any HR processes or policies
● Ensure the Leads in your department receive updates and information relevant to them
carrying out their role, including anything that may require them to make changes to their
work or timelines
● Support Leads in your department to ensure they are able to carry out their roles,
resolve any issues that might arise (including covering vacancies as needed), and
provide any guidance and support as and when needed
● Participate in any other planning meetings relevant to your role
● Promote volunteering for Nowhere and Nowhere as an organisation
● Promote the principles and culture of Nowhere
On-Site (June / July)
● Manage HR related issues that arise with volunteers, Leads, Metaleads, Directors, or
● Provide support to teams in your department
● Regularly check in with other MetaLeads and act as the point of contact for your
department as and when needed
● Participate in any on-site meetings relevant to your role
● Carry out any site management shift as agreed

Post-Event (August – December)

● Review the ongoing Volunteer Recruitment strategy and write up actions for the next
● Collect and collate volunteer evaluation data using the PNR (Post-Nowhere reports),
Survey data and census date and where appropriate take action to match volunteers
with more suitable roles, identify if new roles should be created, and work with other
departments to solve issues that arose.
● Provide feedback and highlight any areas that may need review or improvement
● Attend annual Leads meeting
● Analyse spending from the proposed budget and ask the teams what they need for the
upcoming year.


● Flexible and adaptable to change
● Problem solver
● Very strong organisational skills and a solid understanding of a variety of admin formats
● Ability and willingness to commit to a year-round role
● Very good communication skills
● Excellent IT skills
● Fluent in English
● At least one year experience in a lead role at Nowhere (or proven experience of similar
role in other event and at least one year in a Lead position at Nowhere)
● Experience of managing a team of volunteers (or staff)
● Conflict resolution skills
● Able to handle stress / high workload


● Willingness to help wherever you can
● Experience of recruiting volunteers
● Experience of working collaboratively
● Spanish speaking

Which department does this role belong to:

Recruitment & Relationships

What kind of job it is:

Meta-lead (run the various departments of Nowhere)

TIME Commitment:

Year round role (Off site)

A few hours per week increasing over the planning year until the event. Monthly meetings required.